If Only

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       Traveling at night could only be described as one of the most terrifying experiences of your entire life. Every single crunch or creak you heard immediately filled you with a cold dread that seemed to freeze your entire body. Naturally, nighttime wasn't at all a particularly safe time to be traveling. Every rational part of your brain seemed to be screaming at you to find somewhere safe to camp out for the night. And yet, despite everything, you decided against all of your senses and chose to continue onwards. Looking on the bright side, at least your fear and paranoia was keeping you wide awake. It would be an exceptionally miserable journey if your body was continuously begging for rest.

       You expected that when you arrived at the nearby town in the afternoon, you would immediately pass out in the bed of an inn. You thought you would be so worn out that sleep would easily be given to you. However, once you did arrive, you experienced quite the opposite of what you had anticipated.

       As you laid in bed, your sense seemed to sharpen to everything around you. Every footstep was from a guard. Every voice you heard through your walls was a soldier come to take you away. Every second that passed was Prince Ernest slowly approaching your door.

       Pulling the sheets high above your head, you tried your best to fall asleep. You knew you would need to be well rested for the journey ahead. Sleep deprivation could only succeed in bogging your mind down.

       After a few hours, your body somehow did manage to fall asleep, but your mind never truly forgot your fears. You were unable to keep yourself from the sudden unconscious bouts of sheer panic that forced you up at night. Taking deep breaths, you would calm yourself down before barely managing to fall back asleep what seemed like hours later.

       You only knew your awful night was over when you shot up in bed once more to the sound of birds merrily chirping. Letting out an exhausted sigh, you stood from the hay filled bed you'd been resting on to open the window. Looking outside, the clouds had just begun to be stained pink from the rising sun. The cool morning breeze gently drifted into your room carrying the clean scent of pine with it. Taking a breath in, you almost felt happy.

       Morning made everything feel normal. Watching the sun rise always made each day feel like a chance for a new beginning. At least, that was how it used to be. Unfortunately, this morning was different. Despite the day being ignorant to your problems, the memory of a certain morning two days ago weighed heavily on your mind. Your thoughts wandered off to 'Henry.' It hurt to think about how he spent a month lying to you. However, it caused you much more pain to think you once held affections which lead to Adelaide's sufferings.

       Maybe if you knew he was the prince, if he had not fallen for you or even if you never ran into him on that balcony, then things would be different. If only 'Henry' had asked Adelaide to that tournament instead of you. He was supposed to fall in love with her instead! There were so many things you would change if only you could.

       Pressing your fist to your forehead, you forced yourself out of your mindset of pointless regret and turned away from the window. There were much more important things for you to be thinking about!

       Sitting yourself down at an old beaten up wooden table, you quickly spread open your map upon the small table before observing the various landmarks. You could zigzag through various towns, making yourself unpredictable and hard to find, but it would take a lot longer to get out of Konicia. Not to mention, it would cost more money as you would need to stay at more inns and need to buy more food. You also weren't too excited about the prospect of walking so many miles. However, it would be worth it if it lowered the chances of you being caught by Prince Ernest.

Masked Limerence // Yandere Nobleman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now