Chapter 4 The Color of Friendship

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"A single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world."

                                                                                        —Leo Buscaglia

Chapter 4 The Color of Friendship


"There you are!" Enjolras calls when he sees me. A relieved look fills his warm brown eyes and I blush. He was worried about me. I think happily. Of course he was. I remind myself, He's your friend, it doesn't mean anything. "I've been waiting here for ages!" he chastises me with mock frustration in his voice, pulling me into a hug.

"Sorry." I reply breathlessly. I feel as though I have to concentrate in order to make my heart beat with his arms wrapped around me. "So what do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Well, I've got some Biology homework; feel like helping me with that?"

"Do you want to pass?" I tease.

"Alright, alright, you know I'm joking." he concedes, laughing. "I was thinking I could use a walk in the park. You?"

"Sounds good." I answer with a smile.

"I promised Belle I'd be home by sunset. Apparently she's tired of me being late for dinner." Enjolras tells me. After a pause he speaks again, more hesitantly. "You should come with me, Lisse. Eat with us. It'll be fun!" he insists, but I shake my head.

"No, that's okay."

"Why not? Come on, Lisse, Belle loves you!" he grabs my hand and a million tiny butterflies take flight in my stomach. "Please? For me?" he pouts, making his dark chocolate eyes sad.

"Oh, fine." I sigh. I don't like to take charity from anyone, least of all my best friend, even though I know it is no inconvenience to him. I know the real reason he is always trying to get me to come home with him is that he worries about me, which is sweet, but I can take care of myself. Besides, I feel out of place in his home—though it is simple compared to the houses of most people who have as much money as he does—no matter how hard he tries to make me comfortable.

"Good." We have arrived at the park. Enjolras seems to just realize that he is still holding my hand. He drops it like a hot coal and for a split second I swear I can see him blush, but then he looks at me with a crooked smile. "Race you to the top of that tree!" he cries, taking off. I laugh and run after him.


Enjolras and I leave the park as the sun lowers in the sky. He carries a bouquet of orange flowers for Belle. I have purple hyacinth buds braided into my hair. Their smell surrounds me.

We walk slowly through the streets. I find myself wishing the sun wouldn't set, ending this beautiful afternoon. Time alone with Enjolras is something that I cherish. We don't get much chance to just wander around together anymore; he always has classes and I spend most of my time trying to keep the people—myself included—from starving. I miss this.

I swing my arm at my side, eyeing his hand. There is something beautiful about the way his skin stretches over his bones, the way his fingers curve when he relaxes. I clench my fist to keep from reaching out and taking his hand in mine.

I heave a frustrated sigh. What is wrong with you, Lissette? I ask myself.

Enjolras must have heard me. "What's wrong?" he asks, repeating my unspoken question.

"Nothing." I answer quickly.

"Come on, Lisse." he insists. He puts one hand on my shoulder to stop me and the other on my chin, pulling my face up so he can meet my eyes. I blush. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" The warmth of his eyes makes my heart lurch. I can't find my voice. Standing there with his hand on my cheek, his face so close to mine, it takes all of my self-control not to pull him a few inches closer and kiss him.

I reach up and take the hand that rests on my cheek, pulling it from my face. I can't think with him this close to me. "I know." I whisper, not trusting my voice. I give his fingers a squeeze. "I was just thinking....I don't want this night to end." I confess, giving him part of the truth. "We never get time like this anymore."

"I know." he sighs as we start walking again. "I miss spending time with you like we used to when we were little." he adds, entwining his fingers with mine. I am glad, because I have no desire to let go of them. "If I'm not careful you'll find a new best friend and then where will I be?"

I laugh. "Don't worry, you're not going to lose me that easily." I tease. "You're stuck with me forever."

As we approach his house I glance up at him; his eyes are uncharacteristically serious. "I wouldn't want it any other way."



The sun is just setting when we walk through the front door. I can hear Belle moving around in the kitchen so I lead Lissette through the hall. Belle turns around when we enter. "You actually came how before dark tonight." she comments, surprised. "Lissette!" her eyes widen when she sees the small girl standing slightly behind me. She steps forward and pulls Lissette into a hug. "It's so good to see you!"

"You, too, Belle." she replies.

"Lissette is going to stay for dinner." I explain.

"If that's okay." Lissette adds quickly. I glance at her. I wish I knew how to make her feel at home here.

"Of course!" Belle smiles. "Here, since you're home early I'm not finished cooking. You two can help."

Lissette smiles. I think it makes her feel better about eating with us if she helps cook. I shake my head; I wish she would let me help her more.

Before long we have the table set and sit down to eat. I pull Lissette's chair out for her. We eat mostly in silence. The food is good. I notice that Lissette eats all of the food on her plate, so I make a point to get seconds. As I was hoping when I begin eating again Lissette serves herself again. I know she doesn't get enough to eat. I'm glad she is eating now.

After dinner we take the plates to the kitchen. Lissette starts to wash hers but Belle takes it away from her. "Don't worry about those, Lissette, we'll wash them later."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

I just raise my eyebrows at her, giving her a look that says Stop feeling like you owe us something.

"Come on, I have a book in my room that I want you to read." I suggest, taking Lissette's hand as I start to lead her from the room.

"I should really be going, actually." she says.

"Already?" Belle asks. "Won't you stay a while longer."

"It's getting dark..." Lissette begins.

"It's already dark." I interrupt her. "Why don't you stay the night? We have extra pillows. You can take my bed and I'll sleep in the floor." I offer.

"No, no, I can't do that." she insists, shaking her head. "Really, I'm fine. I should get going." She turns to Belle. "Thank you for dinner, it was lovely."

"It was my pleasure, Lissette. Get Enjolras to bring you back soon, okay?" Belle hugs her.

"Okay." she replies, glancing at me.

"I guess I'll bring you that book some other time. Can I walk you somewhere?" I ask.

"No, I'm fine. Really." she tells me, walking toward the door. I follow her.

"Okay. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." she replies with a smile. I wrap my arms around her.

"You know you're welcome here any time, right? No matter what." I breathe in her ear.

"I know, France." she sighs.

I smile. "Good."

She walks out the door and I watch until I can no longer see her golden curls in the darkness.

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