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~Chapter 4~

*Graduation Day*

As I looked at myself one last time in the mirror, I saw a crying Harry enter the room. I turned around and went to hug him.

"Babe, don't cry please? For me? Because you know that when you cry I cry!" I said tears brimming from my eyes.

"But I'll miss you sooo much Mary! I love you and don't you ever forget it" Harry said, still crying.

"Awee I love you too, Hazza! And I will be Forever Yours! Nothing can ruin our relationship! Besides, I have one last day tommorow! So that means we can still hang out!" I reassured him whilst kissing his lips.

"Mar- oh uhm come downstairs when you're done." my mum came busting in here which made me and Harry jump apart.Blushing we both laughed as my mum walked out the door.

"You look amazing Mary...." Harry said kind of nervous.

"Oh don't be nervous silly! You know that I'm all yours right?" I said walking over to him,placed my hands on his neck and winking.

"Oh uhm uh uhm uh." He said nervously and he was even sweating! I kissed his lips so wasn't nervous anymore,then he kissed back. I won my confident Harry back!

"Gotcha babe! Come on let's go!!"

"Fine, but you have to go on a date with me! Tomorrow!"

"Sounds good!" I said then walked out of the room and him following behind me.

"You two look amazing!" Anne said.

"Thanks Mum!" Harry said hugging his mum.

"Well we better go! We don't want to be late do we?" My mum said and we all nodded our heads in agreement. Sammy and Adrian was coming down the stairs and Sammy almost fell but she held on tight to the railings. Wow she is an Andrews!

"Come on Sammy!"I said picking her up as she did a pouty face. I laughed at her sillyness and kissed her cheek,which made her giggle. We walked out the door and into Anne's car. Then we were off.

*At School*

"So, I would like to award Mary Kate Andrews as the Valedictorian of class 2009-2010! Congrats to everyone!"

I walked up the stage and took off my hat and then our Principal places the the medal on my head. I put my hat back on and looked at the crowd, then smiled. I looked at Harry who mouthed  an 'I love you' and a 'congrats' as he winked. I looked down and rolled my eyes so nobody can see. As I looked back up I smiled one last time and bowed.

After 10 minutes, the ceremony ended then we threw our hats in the air.


"Finally graduated!!!"

"I'll miss you all!!"

Some of our classmates yelled as they huggead each other, fist bumped and hi-fived.

I went to Harry kissed his cheek, signaling him we were gonna go.

"Hey Mary! Hey Haz! Congratulations Mary!!!" Louisa said hugging me.

"Thanks gurl! You too!" I replied returning the hug.

"Let's go girls!"

*The Next Day*

"Mary....Wake up babe......MARY!!!!" Someone said softly then screamed in my ear.

"What the actual heck?!?!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2014 ⏰

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