Part 1 ~ A Wild Splash

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"Stop it, stop it, I really can't swim, Jimin!" I cried, just as he was about to push me off the pier into the water below. He caught me just before I could land face-first into the water, and I gasped in complete terror. When I had gained my footing again, I glared at him.

"You're a real jerk, you know that?" I spat, disgusted. Just as I was about to storm off, the aglet of one of my shoelaces got caught between one of the wooden panels of the landing, making me fall forward into the water while my sneaker stayed behind.

I felt the cold water envelope me, and panic surged through me as I realised that I was sinking fast. Struggling to take a breath as the water entered my mouth and nostrils, I flailed my arms helplessly underwater in a vain attempt to rise to the surface but unfortunately nothing helped. Feeling hopeless, I felt myself sink further and further into the water, my consciousness slipping away from me.

It was at that moment that I noticed a figure a few metres away from me. It was a boy, I was sure, but I was also sure that I had seen a tail that appeared to belong to a fish near it. My eyes widened when I realised that the tail was actually attached to the boy, and my eyes widened in shock. Suddenly, I felt myself rising to the surface without any effort on my part and before I knew what was happening, I felt the late afternoon air once again on my cheeks. Jimin was swimming a few metres away from me, desperately trying to find my body. I rolled my eyes when I saw him catch sight of me and swim towards me in a hurry.

"Are you okay? Y/N, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Jimin was fussing as he helped me out of the water and handed me a towel. His eyes were full of concern as he inspected my arms and face for any injuries, but I shrugged him off.

"Just leave me alone, I told you I was afraid of water, but you brought me here anyway," I growled, then I walked away from him and the pier, breathing a sigh of relief when I finally found my feet on beach sand. Tears of humiliation were streaming down my face, urging me to walk faster despite loud calls from my friends. When I was sure that I was out of sight, I flopped down onto the soft sand, crying into both of my hands. I was still shaking from the shock of the water, and I was feeling light-headed, but I wanted to be alone.

My thoughts began wandering to the boy I had seen underwater. Could it be possible that I had imagined him?

I could remember his face quite vividly, yet it seemed absolutely absurd that I had seen him with a tail. I shook my head and laughed at my silliness, paying no attention to my surroundings until I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, making me jump in surprise. It was my best friend, Seohyun.

"Are you okay?" she asked, raising her perfectly shaped brows in worry. I nodded weakly and allowed her to help me up. With one arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other around my waist, Seohyun walked me all the way to the parking lot where the car we had arrived in earlier stood.

"Let's just go home," Seohyun sighed, and just before I climbed into the passenger seat, I groaned in frustration.

"Seohyun, I forgot my bag on the sand where I was sitting. I'll be right back," I said, ignoring her protests as I passed her and made my way back to the beach. By the time I had reached the spot that I was sitting, it was already partially dark and I struggled to find my way about. After circling the same spot for about five minutes, I finally caught sight of my rainbow-striped bag embedded in the loose earth. Smiling, I made my way over to it and hauled it over my shoulder.

"Dude, I swear, it was right there at the shoreline, I dug it into the sand, how could it have disappeared?" a surfer was walking around the beach with his friend, worried.

"I mean, can a surfboard really just take a walk?" he continued venting, scratching his blonde hair in annoyance. His friend looked equally disturbed as they continued their search.

"What does it look like?" I called out to them, and the one with the blonde hair walked up to me.

"Hey man, it's sort of like a really bright orange, you'll notice it. Please let me know if you find it," he said before walking away. I wasn't really planning on helping, but I decided that it wouldn't hurt to look for it on the way back to the car.

I was dragging my feet back to Seohyun when out of the corner of my eye, a bright colour flitted past me. I perked up, turning my head from side to side in an effort to locate the source of colour. And I did, it was running away with a well-built guy, into the water.

"Hey!" I yelled out, running weakly towards the water once again. As I closed in on the boy, I realised that he was holding onto the orange surfboard after all.

"Hey, someone is looking for that! Why don't you give it back?" I shouted out as I closed in on him. But he only ran faster, and I had to double my pace to catch up to him. Eventually, I was running at such a speed that I collided into him, right on top of the surfboard.

"Gotcha!" I shouted in victory, and I tugged at the surfboard, only to have the boy yank it right back against his body. It was then that I realised that this boy was not clothed at all, and he was clinging to the surfboard for obvious reasons. My hand flew to my mouth as I darted backwards.

"Wh-where are your clothes?!" I asked, shocked. The boy's eyes only grew wider, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

"I-I have to go," were the last words I heard from him before he disappeared into the water with a loud splash, leaving the surfboard behind. I stood staring at the rippling water in astonishment, unsure of what to do next. Then it hit me.

That was the same boy that I had seen underwater. With the tail.


A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading this first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote for it!❤❤❤

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