The price of punishment

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-the next morning and is already lunch time-

"Tell me again why you wanted to take me down here", Alya said a little scared and walks close behind him.
"It's a secret my princess", Gabriel calmly said as he pulls her through a secret door in a wall and into a room.
"Okay", she said worried and follows him closely.

As Gabriel leads her into the room, he lit up the candles that surrounded a beautiful claw foot tub. He then took her clothes off gently, ties up her wrists tightly, puts them on a hook and lowers her into the tub that is filled with warm water. Gabriel takes his clothes off and gets in the tub with her as he fingers her gently.

Moaning softly, Alya feels her nipples harden as he fingers her. "G-Gabriel please stop", she said softly and gets wet.
Sliding his thing inside her, Gabriel licks her neck. "My princess, if I may, will you allow me to do as I wish to you", he calmly said as he continued to lick her neck".
"No you may not", she said panting softly and starts purring.

Then Gabriel took her out off the tub, makes his whip appear and whips her. As Alya cries silently, he kept whipping her as his eyes turned purple.

"I'm not done with you", Gabriel said as he grins evilly and whips her backside.
"Please Gabriel, this isn't like you at all", she said scared of him and screams as blood pours from the whip hitting her body so hard.
"No my wife", he said as he continues to whip her, shoves a vibrator in her and turns it up so it hurts her thing.

-later that day-

Alya suddenly wakes up and sees that she's the same position she was in, has cuts and blood stains all over her body, and can't move much because off the pain. As Gabriel walks in the secret room with his whip and some tea, he notices that Alya is awake and is looking at him scarcely.

"Relax, I'm not going to whip you my princess", he said calmly walks toward her. "I just came in here to see if you woke up and bring you some tea", he added as he blew on the warm tea.
"V-very well", she said, still being scared of him and moans.
As Gabriel is face to face with Alya, he helps her drink the warm tea slowly. "Feel any better?", he asked as he unties her and lets Alya fall into his arms.
"N-not r-r-really", Alya weakly replied and bites her lip so she doesn't cry in pain.
"Maybe you'll feel better after you rest by my side", Gabriel sweetly said and carries her to their bedroom.

Still naked, Alya lets him carry her and set her onto the bed. As he sets her on the bed, Gabriel licks the blood away, puts a blanket over her and lays down beside her while he sketches. Laying down beside him, Alya scoots closer to him since his body is warm and kisses his cheek weakly.

"Hey father", Adrien said as he walked in the room.
"Hi Adrien, do need something?", his father asked.
"Yeah, some attention it's to quite in this house and everyone is busy", he said in a begging tone.
Mutters something and sees Adrien come over to her bedside. "Hey Adrien", she said weakly.
"Hi mom", Adrien replied and sees that she has scars on her body. "Is everything alright mama?", he added
"Everything is just fine", she said in a nervous tone and feels Gabriel's whip touch her.
"Then what are these?", he said as he ran his fingers on the scars on her shoulders.
"Adrien don't do that, your mother could-", Gabriel said as was interrupted by Alya's scream,-"scream".
"What the hell?!", she said in an angered tone. "Do you realize how much pain I have to endure every day of every hour and that's just my powers, not to mention the pain I go through with your father?!", she added as she cried and moans.

As Alya sat up, she revealed every scar on her body, got up and put on some warm clothes.

"I'm going for a walk to clear my head and get a croissant or a crossbow, whichever comes first", she said as opened the balcony doors, released her dragon wings and flew to the ground.
"Father, what does she mean by the pain she goes through with you?", Adrien asked upset.
"Those scars on her body......... were placed there by my anger", he said disappointed and sighs as he drew a sketch of his wife.
"What?!........ are you trying to kill her, like you killed mom?!", Adrien said upset.
"I didn't kill Elizabeth, hawkmoth did?!", he said in an angered tone and slaps him.

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