The decision

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-later on that night-

Makes a crystal covered box appear in her hands, "this is my crown",- opens the box-, "the only thing that keeps my powers in control", Alya calmly said as she let her kwami sleep in her bag.
"But there's three crowns in the box", Gabriel said as he looked in the box.
"One for you, Adrien and me", she calmly said giggling softly and makes the crowns float out of the box and circle each other.
"So I'm technically a king now?", he said as he held one of the crowns.
Nodding gently, Alya said, "and I'm your blind queen", as she held a crown in her hands.
"Don't say that my love, will way find a way for you to see again", Gabriel calmly said and kisses her cheek.
"Mama?!", Adrien said scarcely as he ran into the hospital room and hugs his mother, who's laying down in the bed.
"Hey Adrien", she said weakly and hugs him back as she feels a shooting pain in her back.
"Why are you eyes black and white mom?", he asked concerned and looks at the flowers on the nightstand.
"Your mother is blind, Adrien", Gabriel said sigh-fully and smokes by the window.
"How?! Why?!", Adrien asked worried and shocked.
"We don't know", his father said as put the cigarette out, walks over to them and sat on the bed.
"Your a Prince, my son", she said smiling weakly and struggles to sit up.
"I don't deserve to be one, not if you can't see me become one", Adrien sadly said, hugs his mother once more and cries.
"It's alright Adrien and there's someone we want you to meet", Alya slowly said and is sitting up, even though she's shaking from all the pain in her body.
"And who's that?", he asked curiously and secretly feed his kwami some cheese.
"Your little sister", his father said with excitement, revealed Alya's baby bump gently and kissed her forehead softly.
"I have a little sister?!", Adrien whispered with an overwhelming amount of joy. "I can't believe it, I have a sister", he rubbed his mother's stomach. "What's her name?", he added.
"Lillian, her name is Lillian", Alya said as she moans softly, lifts herself into the air and plays piano with her magic.

It was in that moment, a thought ran through Adrien's head. He wanted to rape his mom.

Sensing that neither Gabriel nor Adrien can look away from her body, Alya continues playing piano with her magic. Even with her being blind, she still plays the way she always has.

"Mom, is it weird that I'm turned on by you?", Adrien asked nervously and blushes.
"Not at all, and I'm sure your father is just waiting to get ahold of my body once more", she said smirkingly and looks in Gabriel's direction as she landed softly.
"Indeed, your body is something so beautiful that even a god dare not touch", Gabriel said as the same thought Adrien had, ran through his mind.

Slowly crawling back onto the bed, Alya falls asleep almost instantly from all her pain and tiredness. And in that moment, Adrien and Gabriel decided to rape Alya.

"I'll do her bottom and you do her top", Gabriel whispered softly, locks the windows and door, takes her clothes off, and ties her tightly to the bed.
"It would be my pleasure, father" Adrien said smirkingly, takes his clothes off, watches his father slide his thing into his mother, turns the lights off and puts his thing into his moms mouth.

As Adrien and Gabriel rape Alya, she sleeps peacefully and doesn't wake up till morning.

-that next morning-

Alya is woken up by the morning sun, senses that she's tied up and naked, and gets really scared. Gabriel wakes up, sees that he's tied up with Adrien sitting on him asleep and both are naked.

Being blind and scared, she senses Gabriel untying her and backs away from him. "Please, don't rape me anymore I promise I'll behave", Alya said scarcely.
"I'm not going to rape you anymore princess, Gabriel said as he tried to reassure her that he wasn't going to hurt her and kisses her cheek gently. "Because when I fell asleep on you last night, Adrien raped me in the chair that he's asleep in now", he added.
"How dare he do that to you?!", she said in an angered tone. "But more importantly, why would both of you rape me?", Alya added as she moans in pain.
"Because we both wanted you and when you fell asleep, we took our chance", he said calmly as he wrapped a blanket around her and cuddles with her.

As Adrien wakes up and yawns, Alya gets scared and holds onto Gabriel. He turns around and walks toward his parents with an evil grin on his face.

"Look at what we have here", Adrien said smirkingly. "I see two beautiful bodies that I took pleasure of doing last night, and sitting together all cuddled up", he added.

Adrien takes his blind mother by her hand, stands her up, circles her and runs his cold fingers all over her pain infused body. Alya doesn't like what he's doing to her at all and tries to pull away from him. Seeing her try to leave him, Adrien grabs her from behind, grips her breasts tightly and kisses her neck.

"Adrien?! I demand you let go if your mother right now", Gabriel said in an angered tone.
"No", Adrien firmly said as he bites Alya's neck. "She's mine", he added.
"Alya is not yours and neither am I, so stop acting like this and let us go", Gabriel said upset.
"Adrien stop that, your making my hurting body worse", Alya said worried and moans softly as she wishes that she could see again.
"No, I'm not letting either of you go", Adrien said annoyed and bites Alya's neck.

As Ladybug swings in the room, she examines her surroundings and walks towards Adrien. Holding onto his mother, Adrien grips Alya's breasts tightly.

"What the hell is wrong with you Adrien!!", Ladybug said in an angry tone and pulls Adrien off his mom.

Being terrified of Adrien, Alya runs in Gabriel's direction, since she's blind, and hugs him tightly as she cries weakly from her pain.

"How dare you rape your own mother and father!!", Ladybug said as she slapped him.
"I wanted too, so I did", Adrien said while shrugging his shoulder.
"Adrien Agreste, I'm putting you under arrest for rape", Ladybug said annoyed and handcuffs Adrien's wrists behind him as the police take him away. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you", she added and jumped into the window seal as she used her yo-yo to leave the room.
"Is he gone?", Alya weakly said and moans in pain.
"Yes my queen, he can't hurt us anymore", Gabriel calmly said as he puts his clothes on, wraps the blanket around Alya again and carries her home.

Moaning in pain, Alya whimpers from the burning pain in her chest and legs. Gabriel holds her close, knowing that her pain is only getting worse, he starts humming as he walks down the street carrying Alya swaddled up in a soft blanket.

Little did they know, a very special reunion and an unexpected animal will arrive that afternoon...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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