Chapter 3: Talking behind her back but she knows

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Third Person POV
It seems that Eyepatch might have have and work for Slender it appears. But we shall see what will be happening. Who could be the foe and the friend? We shall find out.
Masky's POV
"Tch! Damn that bi-!OUCH!! MOTHER FUCKING ASSHOLE!! Fucking tell me before you're gonna be shitting alcohol on me!!!!!" I said yelled and cursed in the infirmity. "Calm down Masky. She is someone like me. Plus-." EJ said but was interrupted by me. "Yeah but she's even worse! She even took a Bite out of-." I was interrupted. "Well she is like me as I have said, she probably was hungry and all." EJ interrupted.. again. "Yeah if she were hungry then she would've fucking attacked me, Not fucking ask if to take off my shirt!!" I yelled still pissed off, unfortunately. 'Damn Bitch' I internally growled. "Probably it was a test?" EJ suggested. "Hah! Test my ass." I remarked still mad. "I wonder what's up with the mask though? Why is it showing one eye that's like BEN's. I wonder about the hair too?" I thought out loud on purpose. "She did say that her hair pigment had decreased to a White state and I suppose her Mask is from hiding her identity or other eye?" EJ stated. "Then do you know her back-."  Masky didn't continue as a voice popped out of no where. "Hey, you sure do know how to talk about someone behind their backs." I got interrupted by Eyepatch who just appeared in the room. "What-wait when the fuck did you get here?!?" I yelled questioning her. Damn woman. "And where the hell is your other outfit?" EJ asked too. "Well.... I've been here all along. And second question to my reply is I didn't want to wear something improper unfortunately, I had to change, do not ask what I'm wearing again." She answered.
'She would totally be my type and be badass if she didn't take an bite out of me that Is.' I thought, Looking at her attire.

' I thought, Looking at her attire

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"May I ask why not?" EJ asked. "I don't feel the mood to tell you. My deepest apo-."  Eyepatch got interrupted by me, then a conversation or more of an argument struck. "Hey! You better fucking pay for that!!" I screamed. "Pay for what?" Eyepatch asked in. "That part of the fucking day you bit me!!!" I said pissed off. "Oh that incident, like I have said it is my deepest apolog-." She still tried to apologize. "Shut up! I don't care if-." I was just interrupted, AGAIN. "You know what nevermind me, I will take my departure outside since I am new to this place." She says. 'Does she fucking  think an apology would make me fucking forgive her?!' I thought. She left the room. "Hey get fucking back here!!!" She stopped. "Firstly, I do not take orders in the likes of you, secondly, I have no intention, thirdly and lastly, I did inform you I was going to leave so I will see you in the mean time." She Said briefly as She then left.
Your POV
"Mattaku?.... Kare wa Koran shite iru hazudesu, Yoku watashi wa sudeni sore o shitteita. (Really?... he must be upset, well I already knew that)" I spoke as I crossed path with a man that had a mask with two sides, one white, the other black, with a smile with the opposite color on the opposite side, Kagekao. "Kare ga anata o yurushita kureru no wa tashita ni jikan go kakarudeshou(It will certainly take sometime for him to forgive you)." He said. "Sou Dane....(is that so)" I Said our loud. "Anata ni ai ni kitekure ureshiku omoimasu(Call me Kageakao, pleased to meet you)."  "Hajimemashite, Kagekao-San(nice to meet you, Kagekao-San)." "Anata wa Nandesu ka?(what are you?)" he asked. "Moshiwakearimasenga, Watashi wa Anata wa tsutaeru tsumori wa arimasen.( Sorry, but I have no intention of telling you)." I replied. He just nodded. "Hijo ni yoku,  sonoaida, anata wa gemu o shitadesuka? ( very well then, in the meanwhile, Do you want to play a game?)" He asked. "Ie Watashi wa idesu, Watashi wa ima iku tsumoridesu.(no, I am fine. I will be going now)." I declared. "Hai. Ja ne.(Yes. See you later)." He said, continuing to walk on. "Hai(Yes)." I replied. We parted out ways. I went to the garden, and he went to what ever he wanted or needed to do.
"Koko de umaku meiru. (Looks fine out here)" I said. I spotted a tail it appears of an dog. "Nani?(what?)" I questioned, Muttering. I went closer to it then popped out a dog with human like teeth. "Hello there! You must be new here! Scratch my tummy!" He rolled over. "Errr... certainly." I scratched his stomach area. I repeatedly scratched it. He leg started to kick which I personally think is cute. I stopped when I thought it was enough. "Ahh! That felt good! So what's your name? Wait silly me! You must be Eyepatch, Masky wasn't very happy when you bit him. But I don't care! My name is Smiledog! Nice to meet you!" The smiling dog said cheerfully. 'Wow. He doesn't care. I like this Dog.' I thought. "I see so after my encounter with him, he didn't seem very at all glad to see me. But I couldn't care less if I had wanted to. Also nice to meet you as well, I would tell you what is my alias but you already know." I said. "So they're a lot of people talking behind your back. Do you know that?" "I am certainly aware but thank you for trying to tell me." I said. "It's okay." Smile Dog Replied. "For a murderer, you sure don't seem like one due to your appearance and personality but looks and personalities are deceiving, I learned that the day 'THAT' happened." I said. "So what happened then?" Smiledog asked. "Will you tell anyone?" I asked. "No I have my mouth zipped!" He said cheerfully. "Then lets go somewhere private." I suggested. We went somewhere with more privacy like to the dogs room. "So my name is Smiledog! And you must be Eyepatch right?" He asks waiting for a reply. "Yes indded I am."  I replied. "So I heard that you wouldn't tell anyone about much of yourself accept some simple, basic, and low rate information, why do you tell me?" He asked. "Well that's because......" I didn't reply as memories flooded my mind.
"Hahahahahaha!" Hide was laughing. "It's not funny Hide!" I blushed. Scolding him. "That's cute! But it is funny though!" He was laughing since after school when I accidentally insulted the teacher.
"Oh dear don't they remind you of us when we were young adults?" An elderly woman asked. "Ah yes! What a nice couple. I remember our first date as if it were yesterday." The elderly man, Husband of the elderly woman agreed.

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