chapter 1 The breaking of the mask

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Naruto woke and saw that the transformation justu had come off in her sleep again, and she thought that she had to come up with an idea on how to stop this for when they went on a mission. The reason that she wasn't this Naruto that everyone knew it was all a mask everyone knew this loud annoying boy but she was a timid shy girl who just wanted to belong. Also her name wasn't Naruto it was Naomi and it meant beauty she didn't know why her parents thought she was so beautiful but they did and since the Third hokage died she has been having a hard time keeping up the transformation, he was the only one to know she was a girl.

She was in the hospital after all because she had to defeat Garar  who was like her brother since when she was little and couldn't keep the mask up she would go to stand but he didn't recognize since she didn't let the transformation down the leaf, but if she did he would have stop instantly another thing the justu is causing problems for her.  (She got hurt worse then in cannon)

Then a Bang sound went off and she looked at saw a toad and her month train jiraya and said what do you want pevy sage she laugh inside her head. Oh I just want you to come with me to find the fifth hokage, if you think your up to it that is , oh yeah I'm coming pevy sage I mean I got to see if they acceptable to hold my positon for a while till I can.

OK meet you at the gate tomorrow morning  at  9.

Once he left I heard the fox call me into my mind, and I ask kurma what he wanted, and yes I knew his name since I have been friends with him since  I was 4. He then was talking how I should show everyone who I was and maybe even destroy the horrid village but  I told it was the time to yet ,and then he said something about telling pevy sage who I truly was since I was his goddaughter, and he thought I was dead. I thought about it and said maybe.

Then a nurse came in and unhooked everything and said get out of the hospital you demon  you waste of space.

Being use to this I just walked out, but it still hurt me greatly even after 10 years abuse, yes you heard that right I'm 10 not 13 like the others soo hahaha they think I'm the dead last while I was able to graduate 3 years early.

She got to her apartment that was almost falling apart at the seems but it is the only home she has so she just returns , and then she packs for a 2 week trip just in case to go with pevy sage.

Next Morning

Naomi wakes up and looks up at the clock  and  sees that it is still only 6 so she has to wait for 3 hours to past where she can meet the pevy sage.

She worked on her transformation justu for the mission thinking that she wasn't ready to come out yet to the world about who was truly.

She heads to the gate and gets there a minute before the pev dose so she waits and once he does get their they are on their way to the town where the new fifth hokage tusunae  is. Also the famous losers of bets and gambling


4 days past of walking

We get to the town the pev thinks shes in. We walking into an bar and I see her how I wish I was her getting the news because then I would know that everyone accepts me but I'm not and I'm dreaming so I need to stop.

Jiriya was saying Naruto over and over then I came to what he was saying and everything around us and I said sorry I was day dreaming.

Just don't let it happen again kid got it he said.

Then I nodded ok.

We went up to her and said what are you doing here jiraya and I asked rudely who I was and I say Naruto umakui the future hogake and  I think why did I have to pick such an annoying mask and the fox then says because it helps to  keep the mask up.

She then insults my dream and says how the job of hogkage is a fools job and this made me see red.

We went out side to battle but sadly the only thing I could do without suscipion was the rasignon. I mean I could have beaten her with her medical justu style but the stupid mask.

she said I had to complete the justu I used to have her come with us. I nodded since I already mastered it.

We went to find only to find her fighting ochumorua, and this made me so mad at kaabota when I saw him with and then a full out battle when on with the three of us having different oponets.

While fighting I used my fathers famous justu and non famous justu to save her and I finally broke the mast and yelled out every justu I knew which was about 2000 and then I used to  rangsentga at last and then he healed him self and I had to revert to medical only justu.

I only had to hope that I knew enough to beat him by hitting something important.

I then got an artery that connected to the heart and he was spurting blood every where I thought he was about to bleed out when he stopped the bleeding then I had to get out scalpels and I slit his throat for good he was dead.

I think pasted out since I used all my charka at once since I revealed myself and fought so hard.

I woke up and we was in an hotel and said I'm sorry pervy sage for not telling you I'm your goddaughter this whole time , please forgive me.

Its not your fault little one but can I ask why was you hiding your true self.

Umm where the attacks wouldn't be so bad.
Naomi what do u mean not as bad please tell me the villagers didn't beat u
I'm sorry I can't do that godfather
Baachan can u please teach me medical justu I asked and smiled sadly and said yes. We all went to bed and I was in a restless sleep.

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