Getting in village

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4 days of constant walking later....

We saw the gates of the leaf village and i stop walking for i was scared of everyone actions, and reaction. 

Tsunade pov 

I looked back and our little one stop walking , and had a thinking face on.  I ellowed jirya in the gut and pointed to out goddaughter. He looked and said we should go over shouldnt we and i responded with an duh. 

What wrong little one i asked.  She responded that she was thinking on what the village would say and react to he. 

You will be fine little one no need to worry ok. 

ok she responed.

We all walked the rest of the way in silence. 

We are here family jiraiy yelled out and namio whimpered a little and he whispered sorry that he had to do for the guards or he would have been accused of being suspicious.

She noded as she understood the reason for it. 

Namio pov

When uncle yells he scares me but i understood he had so im fine with it. It seems nobody reconiges me witch is good for now i guess. But im really scared to see my friends because if they reject me i dont know what im going to do. 

We go to hokage a toward and the concil get the paperwork done for auntie to become hokage and im happy for her but i  then realize i've been gone for a week and my apartment was proably destoryed by the village. 

I then shout i have to i' ll be right back and i get there by roof jumping because it the fastest and no one can see me and stop me. 

I get there and i was right the whole thing was a distater execpt my was balde was still there and a picture or two. 

I knew i had to hid my blade with auntie and uncle being here now so i put it in my pocket but not before doing a few cuts and that made me feel alot better and then i went to auntie and uncle.

Im back i said as i got in the room, and then auntie asked where did i have to go and then i mumbled to check my apartment to see if it was destoryed and it was so im going to be living on the streets for awhile. 

  Tsunade pov

When i heard why she had to leave i exploeded in rage and i even made my palms bleed from my grip. 

What do you mean that your apartment got destroyed and by whom and you will not be living on the streets you can live with me little one ok She half yelled.

Namio pov

She yelled but i hid my whimper and said that the village always destoryes my apartment and thanks for letting live with you auntie i said. 

she then said no problem little and please be careful now and i see that i need to begin teaching you can of quick because of this village. 

Lets go home ok little she said and i said yes and when we got there we went to bed because it was long and tiring day but before i went to sleep I cut a few times with my blade and then put it on the table beside me forgetting to hide it where auntie couldn't see it. 

AN: do yall like the different pov

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