The secrets no one knew of or do they

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Namio  woke up early about 3 am because that's  her body alarm clock wakes her. She looked beside her at the night stand saw the blade still out , and thought it was good she wakes before everyone else or she would have a lot to explain to auntie and uncle. She wishes she could stop cutting but she cant it makes her control the pain she feels and instead of just pain being handed to her so this one of the only ways she can control her life. 

She gets dressed in the only clothes she has which is baggie almost boy clothes, she wishes she could get girl clothes now that she has come out but no shop owner will let her shop at their shops and she doesn't want to bother her auntie she has already gave her a place to stay. She cleans the cuts she made the previous night so they might not get infected she notice one is a little more deeper then she usually makes but ignores it for now but she may later regret that choice. She goes and makes breakfast for everyone which is five people more than she has to usually cook for but she did it.  

4 hours latter 

It's 7 am and everyone else is waking up that is in the house. Tusanda walks in the kitchen and gets tackled by a young bright  blonde , she laughts and says good morning to you to. Sleep well my sunshine.

Yep you bet auntie. I haven't slept like that in at least 6 years , and I made everyone  breakfast. So can we wake everyone please. 

Yeah but princess you didn't have to cook for everyone says tusanda. 

I know she says back and goes and wakes everyone.

They all come to the table slowly but namoi is full of energy. 

She talks all their hand off while they eat. 

Tsunda ask why she is still in her boy clothes and she tell her softly that it is the only clothes she owns .

They clean up and Tusanda takes her clothes shop no questions ask 

They buy a couple of dress but she wears a orange and black dress out , and they walk around town and went by an alley ways and a villgers snatch namio and tsunda didn't notice because she was behind her a little bit. 

5 mintes later 

Tsunda turned around and didn't see namio any where She look all around and thought oh no I have lost her in a villige that hates her I have to find her 

she checks everywhere she cant find her she dosent check the one alley though because they put up a  gate.

She gose and get Jiriya and They start look together they go down the alley and see their precious goddaughter getting raped by several drunken  villgers, Tusanda is filled with rage and knocks them out says they will have an execution and brings her to hospital and tell them they will treat her as she is not know with the new konda hospital they treat her but she is still pasted out.  

AN: Sorry readers for no update for a long time.

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