Past His Birthday Part 2

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The bronze moon was high in the sky and the the stars were all hiding behind thick, dark clouds. I sat with Brian on top of the roof of Marge's house while all the other occupants were asleep. For the most part, they sat in a comfortable silence.

Brian was writing in his little black notebook, and I watched the unchanging sky depressingly. I had so many thoughts, as usual. Also like usual, Brian seemed to sense my mood dropping. He put down his pencil in the middle of his book and closed the notebook with an audible snap. He swiveled around to face me and rested his hands on his Jean clad knees.

"What's wrong," he asked, cutting to the chase. "And don't say 'nothing'."

"Just thinking about what my dad said. He was so paranoid, you know? For months...and I hadn't thought anything of it. I should have known..." I started to choke up. Brian sat completely still and silent, letting me get out what I had to say. "And now Will and I are here and I don't know if I'm going to do the right thing. I don't know what to do or how I'm going to do it. I feel so helpless."

Tears began to involuntarily fall onto my cheeks and I angrily wiped them away, sniffling. I paused to catch my breath, watching it puff in the icy air. "And now the school is on my case, thinking I'm lying, thinking I'm going to shoot up the school. A part of me feels like I should, just because that seems to be what they want. They want to be right about me."

"Don't bend to what everyone wants you to be," Brian finally says after I finish. "Just be you. You'll figure everything out. Fuck what people think about you. Make YOU happy, love yourself."

"I used to love myself. It doesn't seem to be enough."

"You're hurting and that's okay. You'll learn to adjust and bring yourself up again. If it helps, I'm here. You'll always have me around, Stella. I like you."

Our eyes met and the cold seemed to be blocked out, replaced instead with a warmth I was unfamiliar with. My heart beat faster and I felt the blood rush back to my cheeks. My hands began to tingle. "You've become a good friend of mine," he says and I felt my heart sink into my stomach again. More tests prickled in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. What else had I expected? It wasn't like I had a sort of crush on him. He was attractive, and comforting, and that's what appealed to me, yet I still felt hurt.

Brian scooted closer to me and he pinched my chin between his thumb and pointer finger. "I'm serious. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me. I'll be there." His face was so close to mine I could feel his breath on my face. It warmed my nose and I didn't realize I was leaning forward until our noses touched. His breath bated and he thinned his lips, biting his lower lip before releasing it and sliding his hand to the nape of my neck. "It wouldn't be smart for us to start anything," he whispers.

"I know."

"Maybe...part two birthday present," he mumbled. I didn't reply. Instead, our lips met and the warmth that just barely brought the color back to my cheeks turned into a burning fire as he sucked on my lip. I found myself pressing into him, needing more. Sucking the comfort and genuine carefulness out of him and into myself. He seemed to take my depression and worry and leave me feeling light and satisfied. His hands found my hips and he pulled me on top of his lap so that I was straddling him and my fingers wound in his hair, tugging softly. I felt the traitorous tears slide down my cheeks, but I wasn't sad anymore, not really.

He moaned into my mouth and I felt him growing aroused and that's how I knew it was time to pull away.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. Brian grabbed my hand and planted a firm kiss on my knuckles.

"Don't be sorry. You needed something from me and I provided. Side effects be damned, I won't do anything to you, you don't want me to."

I smile at him, feeling like a middle schooler with a crush. Maybe I did like him a little. That didn't mean I had to persue anything with him. The drama that would follow would just like on top of everything going on now, and I didn't want to spiral out of control. Brian seemed to understand that, and I was greatful.

"You better get back inside. Don't get sick," he demands with a semi-serious face. I chuckle and hug him, feeling a hundred times better. I hugged him one last time and crawled through my window and letting the warmth envelope me. Brian climbed down the side of the house and hopped the fence easily, going back into his house like nothing ever happened.

Authors Note: so this was a really short one, I know, but I really wanted to get that out and I felt like that was a nice way to end the chapter.

I hope you all are still enjoying this and I may have one or two more chapters to go before the stress starts to come back with the social workers and such and I still have to figure out how I'm going to go about that.

Please drop a comment letting me know your thoughts!

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