The Real Dope Fiend

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So this was supposed to be attached to the LAST authors note but the fucking site is being stupid. Wattpad is really on my last nerve. Anywho....I hope this tides you over until I get over my writers rage and crank the next one out.

"Your mother and I have history," the mule of a man before me starts as he pours coffee into a white mug. He hands the mug to me and a silver tray of powdered creamers and a small brown porcelain bowl of sugar. His accent had lightened since we met earlier this morning, and it was easier to understand him. "She was beautiful, but with another man, your father."

He pauses again to sip at his coffee, and I feel the irk of irritation from his slowness. My fingers tap on the mug and I try to cover it up by sipping on the semi-sweet beverage. "What are you saying," I finally ask when his smirk gets wider. He's toying with me.

"I was a charming one and your parents were arguing quite a lot. She was unhappy. You were only an infant and you cried all the time. Your mother was very new at parenting and didn't know how to do it on her own. Your father was always away, either at work or behind his desk locked away in his home office, not paying her any attention unless to criticise how slow she was moving or that he was hungry. Their love was dying."

"You're a liar," I spit while setting the mug down on the table harder than I meant to. The liquid inside sloshed and a bit spilled over the side, dropping onto the table and puddling.

"She was drawn to me, your mother. I took the both of you out every other day. I slept with her. It was under my watchful eye that she tried cocaine for the first time. And heroine. Your mother loved heroine."

I sat quietly steaming to myself. My arms were rigid and pressed into the cushion on either side of me. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I watched the toe of my socks.

"She was going to leave your father, and take you with her. We were going to be a happy family. But do you know what happened?"

"If I knew I wouldn't be listening to this right now calling you a liar," I snip back. Garath laughs, throwing his head back in honest merriment.

"I love your mouth. Better be careful, because I'm get you into trouble. Heather walked in on me slitting the throat of my then wife. I told her I did it for her, so that we could be together, and that I would get her out of her marriage as well. I had blood all over my hands and down the front of my shirt, and I think I scared her. She ran back to her husband and told him everything.

"But by the time the cops showed up I was gone. Now I'm back.  And you're every bit as beautiful as she was. I wanted to welcome you home." He finished finally, looking at me as if he expected me to be gleeful over the information bestowed upon me.

I was not amused. I was not happy. I glare at him, lean in really close, and then spit. A glob of my saliva hits him on the chin, and he blinks before slowly wiping it away with a napkin. I don't stick around to see what he does, I turn around and head back to the bathroom.

Running up the stairs was quick work for me, as I had always been some kind of fit. I retrace my steps back to the bathroom and close and lock the door behind me. The window...I remember. My eyes find the offending object and I climb on top of the toilet, place both hands on the pane, and push.

It doesn't budge a centimeter. There's pounding on the door now, and the man is calmly talking to me on the other side. His voice was too calm for my liking. I ignore his taunt and push hard again. Still, it doesn't move. In a last ditch effort, I grab a towel, jump back onto the toilet, and wrap my fist in the cloth before punching through the glass.

The glass shatters at the same time the door swings open. I barely cast the big man and Arlen a glance before diving for the opening. I make it out...sort of. The man claiming to be my mother's old lover was faster than I had given him credit for.

He had ahold of my ankle, and my torso collides with the outside wall. I groan in pain as he drags me back up and glass shards scrape at my belly and a small trail of blood follows me as he brings me back inside. A sob shakes my frame, tears mingling with the blood that ran down my nose. I didn't even remember smacking my face on the side of the house.

"Here, this will help you relax," said Garath as I felt something pinch my arm from where he held it tightly.

The relief wasn't immediate. It took a minute and I kept panicking, but then my screams died down and eventually my flailing became lazy pushing. My body started to tingle and I felt light as air.

"There you go," Garath coos while shifting me into a more comfortable position. He began to sit on the toilet and it seemed to take him forever to get down and get me situated like I was his child. "Do you feel better now, pet?"

"I don't think she can even talk," Arlen muses. My head tilts to the side and Garath does that thing where he squashes my cheeks and turns me to face him.

My breathing slows down to almost non existence. My pulse steadies out and I feel calm...relaxed. "What...what...?" My words die on my lips.

"Morphine," Arlen answers while dangling the syringe he had used in front of my eyes. "Thought I'd give you something amateur. Say thank you."

My eye lids feel heavy and I start to lose control of my eyes as they begin to roll to the back of my skull. Someone taps my forehead.

"Hey now, no sleeping."

I didn't listen. I didn't really have a choice. I was so tired. My body was being weighed down. It seemed like all drugs had this effect on me. I felt myself slip into unconsciousness once again.

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