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          I don't know exactly what it was that made me fall for her. I mean, I'll I wanted at that time was to become the number one hero. But ever since she almost defeated me during the festival, I grew respect for her.

She was strong, very strong. If I ever thought weakly of her during the games, I might have actually been beaten. She's persistent, strong, and bit stubborn, but most of all, she never gives up. I saw how she wanted to continue fighting even though her body refused to. I saw the look in her eyes when she collapsed.

It was disappointment.

She like everyone else wanted to reach the top. But that day hadn't come for her. I saw her eyes swollen when she came back to the booth. The look on her face made my heart ache. I didn't know what was it that made me feel that way. Something in me wanted to reach out to her and comfort her. However my stupid ego and pride wouldn't let that happen.

Ever since that day I've kept my eyes on her. If anything had happened to her I'd fight back for her. I still hadn't understood why I felt this way. Why I wanted her by my side, why I wanted her to reach forward and towards the top. Why I was rooting for her behind the scenes, I didn't understand.

But now as watch closely and watched as she grew closer to Deku, it hit me. I grew jealous as they grew together. She was getting farther and farther away from me.

But then again...

I guess its always been like that.

My additude got in the way of me ever talking to her. If I did, I'd lash out just like I've always have done. This is my punishment. My sentence for a crime I've done my whole life. I wouldn't be able to get close to her, and I know she wouldn't want that either.

As much as my heart aches every time she'd get close to Deku, I know, she wasn't mine. She wouldn't be mine, not now, not ever. I never would have her close to me. I wouldn't be able to enjoy the happiness and determination in her eyes. I won't be able to watch her grow from close up.

But that doesn't mean I won't stop. If I can't watch her grow beside me, I'll watch from afar as she runs forward. I'll watch her make her way towards the top. I'll watch her become the hero she wants to become.

After all, I still love her.

And as long as this love last, I'll be glad that I can see her smile, even if she's not mine.

That's what it means to love, right?

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