I don't hate you

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        Every morning was the same, and after a while of training with him I never questioned it anymore. It seemed so normal that'd we'd wake up a little early to get breakfast at a certain coffee shop we just so happen to both like.

Actually, I think that is the only thing I still can't accept. The fact he actually likes coffee for some reason comes as a shock to me. He's always been so blunt with his answers in his own way so when I asked about the coffee he scoffed.

"Of course I like coffee. I wouldn't be drinking it wouldn't I pink-cheeks?"

Well duh, that's just common sense. But for the sake of the coffee shop, I refrained from spitting something back and making him raise his voice. This little routine started a few weeks after the sports festival. It was my idea, and when he agreed on it I had to ask him if he was being serious.

He gave me his reason and a pretty good explanation. So with a beaming smile I thanked him and he gave me his normal 'tch' as a reply. So for the past month we've trained together, and gotten breakfast.

However, not that long ago we had a fight. Which was over something really stupid now that I thinking of it. We stopped training for a while and we didn't see each other for breakfast anymore.

Every time I walked into the class room and saw him, like always, bickering with Kirishima something in me ached. At the moment I just thought it was because I never got to eat breakfast.

But it kept going over the days, and I felt like it was getting worse. So finally I got the guts to go up to him one day and before I could even apologize, he beat to it.

"I'm sorry-"

Are you sure, cause your voice and scowl doesn't seem like you are!


"I'm sorry too."

I don't know if it was because we were finally together again or it was that soft smile plastered on his face that made my heart beat faster than it should have.

And as cheesy as it sounds, something in the both of us sparked. His smile fell back into a scowl unfortunately after teasing him, but for some reason I much rather see that than his smile. (What a big lie that is.)



Its our third year now and we're practically inseparable. Our friends claim we're dating but it doesn't sound and sit right with me for some reason. I feel like that has mostly to do with hot headed idiot I'm sitting next to at the moment.

That thought seems to twist a little the moment I turn my head back to blonde from the window. His face had soften, and I'd like to believe that was due to fact that it was still early. Yet there was something between the lines of sleepiness and admiration in his eyes. I went with the first choice.

The next morning when I opened my door and walked a few blocks I saw him standing at the usual the usual spot. We teased each other all the way into are regular spot in the coffee shop. One of his "insults" went somewhere along the lines of, "what am I your boyfriend?"

I stayed, not to my desire, awkwardly quiet and so did he. I don't know what came over me that day but the comment of our classmates saying we were dating popped in my head. This lead me to ask a question I thought would ruin...whatever our relationship was.

"Do you like me?"

It wasn't a pretty one, but it seemed like music to my ears for some uncanny reason. His laugh poured out of his laugh, like a roar. After a few moments of trying to calm down, he finally comes to a complete stop. He looked at me with a soft face, one I wasn't prepared for.

"I...I don't hate you", it wasn't until I noticed his deep blush and the way his eyes were looking everywhere but me is when it settled in. A heavy blush decided to land on my face as well and an overwhelming joy and love spilled out of my heart.


Every morning was the same. Every morning we'd wake up a little earlier to go get breakfast. We got out of bed and dressed up going out in our jackets and scarves. Leading the way I looked at his shoulders. They were broad and strong like always.

If there was one thing everyone knew about the human bomb in front of me, it was that nothing broke him down. But I always like to come back to the day he "confessed" to me.

"I can't believe I'm with you Bakugou."

"You're a Bakugou now, so stop calling that", he reached out back and grabs my hand. His were warm, not sweaty do to the cooler weather. But nonetheless they were warm and comforting.

"Baku- Katsuki you love me right?"

He stays silent for a moment and when I looked up, a blush settled on his face. It was easier to noticed, due to how his skin seemed lighter in this weather. I smile already knowing his answer due to me asking him all the time.

"I don't hate you."


"I love you."

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