Chapter One: Emperor Gone?!

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Emperor Gone?!

 “Demacia!” yelled 3-week-old Baby Jarvan while doing a flying pose.

Garen must’ve heard the shout when he passed by the quarter of the Emperor. He peeked through the opening of the door and saw something unexpected. Without any second thought, he barged in, interrupting Jarvan from his play.

“My Lord!”Garen shouted, “What has happened to you?!”

Garen couldn’t believe what he saw. The Emperor of Demacia who was a calm and serious man turned into a playful toddler! He was jumping up and down on his bed.

“Garen!” Jarvan squealed, hopping out of his bed. But when he hopped out of his bed, he accidentally trip on one foot and bumped his head on the floor.


A wail of a baby echoed throughout the whole castle. It was deafening. Other servants covered their ears to prevent their eardrums from the wail.

“My Lord!”  was all Garen could manage. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. How could he hush him up? Should he frighten him? Play with him? – No, he’s too old for that.

He ran up to Jarvan and made him stand up. “My Lord, I will get Lux to take care of you. Wait here.”

Garen was about to depart when two tiny hands grabbed his hand. “Garen, don’t go. I want you to play with me.”

Garen gaped at Jarvan.

The Emperor of Demacia wants to play with me?, Garen thought, I shouldn’t.

He knelt in one knee so that he and Jarvan could be of the same height. “My Lord, have you forgotten you’re the Emperor?” Garen asked, looking intently at Jarvan’s eyes. Jarvan tilt his head in confusion.

“What? Of course not! I know Adult Jarvan is the real Emperor here!” He said cheerfully.

“What do you mean, lord?”Garen couldn’t help but ask.

“We were switched from our places. I don’t even know how it happened. We’ve met in a space then our locations were switched! He was in our world while I’m here! And for some reason I could talk! Isn’t that great?” Jarvan laughed, saying those words very fast Garen could barely understand but he miraculously caught up with it.

“You mean our ruling king is in some kind of parallel universe?”

“I don’t know what that means but I’m guessing the answer’s YES!”

“Good Lord! Then-”


A loud sound came from the door. Xin Zhao suddenly entered the room while panting like he had gone in some race.

“Lord! You were summoned up in a battle! Along with Garen and I.”

“We’re in big trouble!”Garen cried out.

Baby Jarvan innocently laughed and played with his pacifier in the corner not minding the two panicking.

To be continued...

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