Chap 2 finish

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Our deaths you guys have been wondering most likely so hear we go.

After I went back to school the next monday I was worried that I would be sent to the counselors to talk about my feelings.  So I hid,   I tried not to cry and if I was I tried not show eye contact.  Our usual group met up,  and we finally noticed that Ryan wasnt here today.  We called and texted,  until their parents picked up and said Ryan had passed away last night.  It was horrible news it was bad enough we lost one but now we had to deal with the losses of two friends. Their parents said that they had hung himself with a rope that said,  don't worry I'll be better with jake. It seems Ryan filled there promise.  Oh on Thursday just to let you know we made a promise that if one of us dies we all go with,  we made it cause everyone in the group was feeling suicidal.  In the meantime while our group Alexis,  Blake and me were still alive  but we,  knew it wasn't going to be the last of deaths.  It was a bad day that monday. It seemed our group became smaller each and every day,  and I honestly fear who  will be next one on the suicide train.

Sorry I haven't published in a while,  been busy with life,  this is the end of chapter two and I'm going to do chapter 3 next time.  Hope you are happy and enjoyed my short story that I've made so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2017 ⏰

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