the stone

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Olympias pov
The rest of the year flew by. Tonight we were going down the trapped door.

I spent the day with dean but I noticed we didn't have that much off a connection anymore but I left it.

When we were about to leave Neville tried to stop us going but I stupefyied him.

When we went down the trap door we landed on devil's snare Ron panicked but nobody else did so Hermione saved him.

Next was catching a key which was easy.

After it was chess. We won but Ron sacrificed himself . Hermione told harry to go on while we stayed with Ron but it was me who made the final decision

Harrys pov
While liv was convincing me I had to fight the urge to kiss her. She was so brave and beautiful. I walked through the I saw quirrel. Turns out he had voldemort on the back of his head. The rest was a bluff and I woke up in the hospital wing. Dumbledore told me why what happened happened then I left for the feast.

Gffryindor won the cup. Dumbledore gave us six and Neville points.

We were on the train home talking about our year.I fell asleep so did liv.
We woke up when we were at London and I headed do my uncle after saying goodbye. My uncle aunt and cousin may be the only family I have but my true family is the
weasleys,Hermione and liv and gaby

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