meeting Olympias friends

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They wandered the shops all morning buy clothes.after shopping they were meeting harry Hermione and the weasleys

They stepped through the portrait and Olympia got attacked with hugs.

We missed you they all shouted

Thanks I misuse u to. This is my cousin Gabriella

Hi Gabriella they said


She learnt All their names and went to bed cause they where Christmas shopping tomorrow

The next day
Gabys pov
We wandered round a muggle telephone shop cause Tia wanted to buy her friends phones. Eventually she brought eight iphone sixes all with a personalized case.

We then went back to diagon alley cause I wanted to get Ron Fred George Ginny harry and Tia a broom

We got the brooms then went to a shop where we brought some books for mione and Percy. Tia got a book for her dad and a necklace for her mum. I got Mr weasley a tool kit and mrs weasley a gilderoy Lockhart book as I would be living with them. Bedroom above.after we went to the weasleys to get ginny.

After Ginny had got passed her emotional stage we took her to Hogwarts.

Everyone was really happy that Ginny was with us.

Flying lessons
Olympias pov

After are week had ended we had flying lessons.

We picked up our brooms however before the professor blew the whistle neville flew up and then fell on his wrist.

Draco picked up Neville rememballs so me harry Ginny and Gaby flew up a got it back.

Minnie came and made  us follow her. We were introduced to the quidditch captin and told we have a place on the team me Gaby and Ginny chasers and Harry seeker

Ron and hermione were jealous but were happy for us

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