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November 8th
Studio City,California

It was 2am when a knock on Hazels front door made her jump from her spot on the couch. Everyone else was upstairs sleeping while she sat in the same spot for the last 6 hours and worked on a history project that was due after reading week was over.

Picking up her MacBook and placing it on the soft couch seat next to her she got up(reluctantly) and softly made her way towards the door.

"You better be bleeding to knock so loudly at 2 am" she number as she flipped the locks on the door and pulled it open- only to be shocked by the boy who stood in front of her.

There stood Zach, in a red hoodie and blue jeans- his hair  messy and his eyes slightly red. Him and the boys weren't supposed to come back until the 11th, so the fact that he was on her front porch was more than confusing but none the less made her heart skip a beat as she looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was an asshole to you. I didn't mean to make you even more upset.I wanted be the guy who never made you sad. You just, you deserve so much fucking better than douche bag Tod, Hazel and you can't see that and it makes me sad. You deserve the guy who feels like his world is complete just by being in the same room as you. The guy who's heart beats faster with every text that goes off from you and smiles wider than ever when his phone lights up with your contact picture. You deserve the kinda guy who loves you. Like really loves you. The guy that would do everything in his power to protect that beautiful heart that beats inside you" Zach reached for her hands as he spoke, lacing them with his. His eyes locking with their hands and not her eyes, too scared to see her facial relations, too scared to be rejected.

"I could be that guy for you, god I am that guy for you" Zach whispered, a sad chuckle leaving his lips.

"No guy will ever feel the way I do just by hearing your laugh, no guy will ever fight to protect you the way I would, no guy could love you the way I could" he said as he slowly raised his head and eyes to meet hers- the largest smile took over her face as she squeezed his hands and pulled him closer.

"I think I'd like that, if you were that guy for me" she whispered, looking up into his eyes. Suddenly personal space was no longer something that excited as he unlaced one of their hands and slowly brought it up to her soft warm cheek.

"I think this is the part in our movie where you kiss me" she smirked as Zach bent down- attaching their lips in the first (of many) kisses to be exchanged between them.

"Hazel Adams, will you be my girlfriend?" Zach asked, slightly out of breath as he pulled away and placed his forehead on hers.

"I'll have to think about it" she said, a loud giggle erupted from her lips causing him to playfully roll his eyes.

" I hate you" he whispered, the pad of his thumb rubbing back and fourth on her cheek, their foreheads still pressed together.

"Actually I think you just professed your undying love for me" she giggled before capturing his lips in another kiss.

"Of course I will" she said against his lips.

The two idiots stood outside on a cold night in November, in each others arms and kissing- either of them could tell you with so much confidence that it was the start to the rest of their lives.

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