The christmas ball

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First year. It all started first year. It hasn't stopped since first year.

"Come on Evans. You can't say no every time." James complained after getting rejected for about the 10 thousandth time

"Watch me Potter " Lily said very annoyed.

"When will you realize that I've changed? I'm even head boy" James muttered as she turned to leave

"I have." She whispered to herself

—-1 month before the Christmas ball—-
Lily was sitting in the common room chatting with Alice Fortescue her best friend.

"So... Are you going to the ball?" Alice asked her

"I don't know. I thought James would have asked me by now. But it wouldn't have mattered. I still would have—"

"Said no?" Alice interrupted "oh get real. You totally would have said yes."

"I would not have!"

"Lily just stop trying to deny it you fancy Potter. You don't even call him Potter anymore!"

"I do NOT fancy James!" Lily protested

"See! You didn't call him Potter!" Alice protested

"Fine! Ifancyjamespotter!" She whisper yelled

"What?" Alice said not really believing she admitted it

"I. Fancy. James. Potter." Lily whispered

"Finally!" Alice announced


"You finally admitted you like Potter" Alice said excited

"I heard my name?" James asked

Lily blushed "um.... I- we-" she started but put her face in her hands trying to hide her blush

"You ok lily?" James asked not seeing the blush

"Fine" she squeaked out

"Um... Lily?" James asked

"Yes?" Lily asked hopeful

"You left your potions book in class." James said handing her a book

"Oh thanks" she said disappointed

"Well I'll see you tomorrow"  James said walking to his dorm.

James flopped down on his bed.

"How did it go? Did she say yes?" Sirius asked

"No." James said into his pillow

"What do you mean she said no?" Remus asked

"I didn't ask her."

"You are so boring." Sirius complained

————class the next day ———————

"Ask her already!" Sirius hissed

"Shhhh!! She sitting right there!" James whispered

Lily couldn't help but eavesdrop. Ask who? Ask what?

"James just ask Lily to the ball already. It's getting annoying."

"I will. Just not right this sec-"

"Then later today! We are sick of you stalling and the mopping around later." Remus interrupted

Lily silently let out a sigh and smiled one of the biggest smiles she's smiled He's going to ask me! And I'm going to say yes!

"No. I'm not asking her. It's to late and she's probably already got a date."


She got up and tapped James on the shoulder.

"Yes?" James asked

"I feel like we should wait till after Christmas break to have the Christmas ball. Then people who go home for Christmas can still go to the ball. Should I bring that up at the next meeting?"

"That's a wonderful idea. You should definitely bring it up."

"Ok. I will." She walked away

"Now you will have more time to ask her." Sirius said

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