The disaster

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Lily sat in the common room reading by the fire in her favorite armchair when her eyes were covered and that's when she herd the voice of the person she had been avoiding, since that day she kissed the person who she was supposed to hate, and dreading since she started reading.

"Guess who?" James asked

"Let's see... is it Potter?" Said Lily. She knew that calling him Potter would set him off so she could get out of there. But it wasn't needed. Alice and Mary had headed to their dorm when they saw James come in. When they got there what they saw made them scream. And Lily rushed to see what was wrong as had every girl in the tower.

"How could someone be so mean?!" Alice yelled

"Wha-" Lily started but saw the room "NO!"

All across the room were pieces of Lily, Alice, and Mary's dresses. Nothing was salvageable.

"We spent so much weeks on them." Alice cried " I'm sorry girls. We can't go to the ball without dresses."

At that they walked down stairs and found James sitting on the couch talking with Sirius.

"I can't wait for the ball. I'm really happy I'm going with Lily." James told him. James saw the three girls walk by and sit by the fire while Lily was still standing, they all looked about ready to cry

"Lily? What's wrong?" Asked James concerned. But before she could answer she burst into tears and ran to her dorm all her excitement, plans an hope crushed.

"Should we?" Mary asked Alice

"No. She'd just be more devastated. Who could do such a thing as to tear our handmade dresses to shreds?!! We spent weeks making those!! If I ever find out who did it I'll hex them into next weeks tomorrow!" Alice yelled

"No need. I have an idea!" Mary said pulling Alice to the dorm

The next few days had been asking James to transfigure things so the girls could remake dresses. These dresses were made with magic but still as if not more beautiful. Lily now had a red dress. Alice had a white one. And Mary a purple one. They also made long capes with hoods so they could preform a plan they had.  

The Locket. |A Jily fanfiction|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin