Worst night ever

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Chapter 3

When Kensi woke up the next morning, with Nell laying next to her in the bed.. She looked at her watch and tapped Nell on her shoulder.

"Nell, wake up, we've overslept!"

"What? Damn it, we shouldn't have stayed up the whole night."

Nell was awake immediately.

"Well, it was fun, wasn't it?"

Kensi laughed.

"Yeah it was but c'mon hurry, we're already late!"

When they arrived at the parking garage, Kensi thought about Deeks. How should she act in front of him? Would they still be able to work together? And what about Eric? He couldn't keep secrets for himself so soon everyone would know that she broke Deeks' heart. What would Hetty say?

"Are you thinking about Hetty and the team?"

Nell asked.

"Yes. You know me too well. I'm worried that Eric has babbled it out already."

"Well, I made Beale swear that he wouldn't tell the others or I'd hack his online game account and delete his highscores. And he knows that I could do that in my sleep. Anyways, you're right, eventually it'll come out. But why are you so worried about the others? You just told Deeks how you feel and that's a good thing, I guess. And you know the others don't do gossip."

Kensi parted her lips to say something but Nell interrupted her.

"Gosh, do you think she'll reasign him? Girl, you have to proof that you two still got game or Hetty will probably send him back to LAPD or something like that!"

"Thanks for reminding me, Nell! Well, I hope Deeks will act normal. Because I'm not sure if I won't freak out again. What's wrong with me? I'm confused.. Last night was probably the worst night I've ever had in my entire life, believe me!"

If she knew that far worse nights would come in the near future..

Densi - Amar não é pecado (It's not a sin to love)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora