The Grim Reaper

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Nate led Kensi to the empty working spaces and sat down.

"So Hetty told me that you and Deeks have erm.. Issues?"

Nate said, calm as always.

"I wouldn't exactly call it issues.."

Kensi hesitated. She sunk into a chair and put her head into her hands.

"I can't talk to you about this right now, I have to go and help the others in the field."

"Kensi, I can't let you go out in the field when you're emotionally unstable, that's a direct order from Hetty."

"If I'd tell you, I'd be even more 'emotionally unstable' so please, just let me go out! You know how this case get's to Callen and I gotta help him fast! Don't do this to me Nate, c'mon!"

Kensi begged.

"Okay but you have to promise me something. Talk to me when you get back. I insist on it!"

As soon as these words came out of Nates mouth, Kensi grabbed her car keys, mumbled a quick 'Sure' and ran out of the building.

Meanwhile Hetty spotted Kensi running out the building. Her gaze was concerned while she turned to Nate, who came towards her and leaned over the ceiling.

"I tust you, that Miss Blye is ready for the mission."

Hetty said.

"She indeed is emotionally unstable but the fear will keep her head clear, I'm sure about that."

He replied, his voice concerned after all.

Kensi raced through the traffic with her sirenes on. She thought about Callen and how he felt at that moment. He must've been drowning in a pool of adrenaline and anxiety. What would happen if they wouldn't catch Janvier again? Kensi shook that thought off and concentrated on the road.

When she finally arrived at the motel, she couldn't see the others but their cars standing outside. When she looked through the rear mirror, a heavy explosion blinded her and all she could hear was the voice in her head saying "You're too late".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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