That Magnetic Pull - Ch. 16 - "Chad"

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Getting excited to finish this story (:

I'd like to think that I've come out of my "dark" times ("As The Waves Crash Down..." and "An (Un)Suspected Visitor" period) and that this story was slightly better than the last two.

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That Magnetic Pull - Chapter 16 - "Chad"

(Patrick's POV)

Annie? HIS Annie? Who was this guy?

As Lynn basically ran to him, I saw everyone at the table roll their eyes simultaneously.

Janice sighed after looking at the two. "They're best friends. I'd think they have been since birth. I don't really know much about their relationship--at least, not before college began--but, apparently, they're best friends and that's how it's going to stay. I always thought they were just both in denial of their feelings but, since you're here and all, I guess Analynn was telling the truth," Janice explained with a shrug.

I looked up and saw Chad with Lynn on his back walking towards the table.

"Pat, I want you to meet Chad," Lynn told me from her perch on his back. "He's the most incredible friend ever and also the most awesome, cool, and handsome."

I chuckled tensely as I stood, accepting the hand Chad had extended towards me while Lynn slipped down from his back.

"Chad, this is Patrick, my boyfriend," Lynn clarified as she made her way back to my side.

I couldn't help but put my arm around her waist just to solidify what she had just said. Chad didn't seem phased however as a smile stayed comfortably on his face.

"Patrick Sharp," I introduced myself.

"I know who you are," Chad said with a friendly smile.

Lynn, Chad, and I took our seats as I leaned over to Lynn and whispered in her ear, "Annie?"

She turned her head and kissed my cheek. "He's been calling me that for as long as I can remember. I hate the name, but for some reason, I let him get away with it," she whispered back.

I nodded my head once and leaned back into my chair, preparing myself for what was sure becoming an interesting first meeting with her closest friends.

(Analynn's POV)

"So how do you know who I am?" Patrick asked Chad as soon as we all finished ordering our food.

"Well, Annie here called me almost every week when she was in Chicago," Chad explained. "Though it never seemed as if you were ever around whenever she did."

"I hope all she's told you are good things," Patrick remarked as I looked up to him with a smirk.

"Almost unrealistic," Chad said as he caught my gaze with a bit of an inside joke between us.

"So," Janice stepped in to try and break the tension that seemed to be building between Chad and Patrick. "What is it that you do, Patrick? Since everyone is present now and all."

"I play hockey in Chicago," he explained.

"Professionally?" Kim, Drake's girlfriend and a close friend of mine, asked.

"Yeah," he confirmed with a proud smile.

"My cousin's best friend's sister-in-law used to live in Chicago," Vicky added as an afterthought.

I raised an eyebrow at the randomness of the comment and burst out laughing, soon roping everyone else to join in.

"Okay, Vicky," I told her once I had calmed down.

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