The Lies You Tell

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         Hermosa Cardénás

"Camila go to the car now." I say calmly. I wait until my child was securely in her seat, before I let my storm out.

"What do you want!? Haven't you done enough!?" I yell.

"Well... I wanted to apologise for what I said. It was out of context for me to say. I should have never said anything. I don't know what came over me." Jason said.

I felt a little better that he was apologizing but that still doesn't make up for what he said.

"I accept your apologize. But stay away from me. I really don't have time for your mess. You caused me to feel a different way about you. I thought you would be different. I thought you were a sweet person that has a shell of an asshole. You chang, I guess I was wrong."

I walked to my car, got in and drove away. I really didn't have time for all of this. Especially in the morning when I have to go to work, and take my daughter to school.

How many times have you been lied to? They said that they were the ones that had problems with relationship. They say to stick it out, to be your self. I have been my self for a very long time.

I was thinking to myself before I left, and that I just put up walls again.

But I still think about that day.

How many times am I gonna feel the pain? Is this letting him win? What am I gonna do to fight today?

These are the question that run through my head every night and day.

The only people that keeps me going is Camila, Jaden, Makalaya, and my family that cared for me through the storm. They care about me more than anyone I know.

When everything was down they gave me the strength to fight. One thing was finally clear like a crystal globe...

Jason is like my past, and I want to get rid of all my past.

I walk to my car, get in and drive away.

             Later That Day

I picked up Camila from school, and after a day of work. I go through the mail to see a letter from my little sister. I never knew I had a sister.

Dear Hermosa,

  I am sorry to say that mom and dad died. They died in a car accident. I have to say their was a lot of blood. They could not even get to the Hospital to die. They died on impact. Mom had a pole through her waist and dad hit the wheel so hard that he was knocked unconscious. I'm feel bad that they didn't get to see you grow up. I didn't want to write this letter. The Alpha said I was not allowed to have any contact with you. I was never to speak or hear from you again. Mom and dad could not take it anymore so the up and left to see you. I don't think the was and accident. The Alpha did this to keep us from the truth. Mom and dad did not believe what he said was true. I know it was not true. Whatever he said to them did not turn with mom and dad. I will tell you my version of the story once you get here. I maybe alive but not for long. Brother is missing too...

            Til we meet big Hermosa,
                         Your Sister Rose

I dropped to the floor and cried I felt numb. I missed out on my sister, My brother is missing, and my parents died. I felt confused too.

What could I do?

My life is falling apart...

And I'm just watching it fall in front of me.

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