Chapter One: Break Out

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"Please,sir. I need your help." A lady pleaded from the other line.

"What's your problem?" He took another drag from his cigarette and blow the smoke away in three perfect circles.

"It's.. My sons" her voice started to break.

"Oh? And what do I care?" He chuckled while putting the cigarette out in the ash try.

"It's for my husband, please" she sounded even more desperate.

"Who would that be," he said spinning around in his chair.

"He told me to tell you not his real name ,but, number 001" she sniffles.

The mans eyes widened. He knocked over his ash tray in shock. It couldn't be.

"You want me to protect your sons?" He asked once composing himself.

"Yes, how did yo-"

"I'll send my four best people. You have to trust me on them though. They may not look like much, but they are the finest fighters I know."


It was dark. Most prisons now a day tend to be quite light normally. Not this one. This one is where the really dangerous prisoners go. The ones that not a lot of normal police men or women could take. Why haven't you heard about them? Easy, they don't want you to worry. They don't want any one to know that there are people like this living in the world. There are.

Suddenly, from nowhere, a man drops down from the ceiling. Considering it holds the worlds most dangerous people, you think it would be better guarded, but the police don't want to be anywhere near them, so they just picked an abandoned place, stored them there and made sure their cells were inescapable.  Which, they weren't. If you knew how to break them. Which this particular man did.

The man started walking down the halls. Down the halls of countless people chained up to a walk with laser pointed at them. People with guns pointed at their heads by robots. Some people actually nailed to the floor and in constant agony, but that was only the really bad ones.

The smell from the prison was horrible, could make any one feel sick to the stomach. Not this man. This man was determined. He was here on a mission. And he would succeed.

Finally he stopped at a cell. This cell was a big cylinder made out of the material shields are. Not entrance. No exit. Lucky he brought a hammer.

He took out a huge sludge hammer and swung it back. Then, with all his force, forward and successfully smashed the cylinder.

There chained to the ground. Kneeled a girl. Her head was down and her dirty blonde hair covered her face. The man walked toward her and smirked.

"Wakey wakey."

That was all it took. The girls eyes shot open and in rage she broke the chains. She looked at the man while breathing heavily.

The man couldn't see her very well but he knew for sure this was the right person. The ice cold void she called eyes were the proof of that.

"I've got a job for you." He simply stated.

"Oh?" The girl replied her voice hoarse from not speaking for so long.

"You have to protect number 001's children"

Her eyes shot up at the name.

"So he's finally dead huh?"

The man nodded.

"What makes you think I'd protect them?" She sneered.

"Consider it a repayment. I broke you out, you do this for me, deal?"


She then stood up carefully and hoped down from her little platform where the cylinder once stood.

"One more thing," she looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"Get your group together too, they were requested to help too."

"Of course," she nodded, walking towards him.

"But just so you know," she stopped when she was beside him.

"I don't owe you anything" she said as she grabbed a shard of the cylinder and slash it across his stomach.

He grabbed his stomach in pain as he crouched down. The girl just looked back and smirked. Walking away to get her 'group' while the man bleed out.

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