Chapter Three: School

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The girls woke up because they heard noise. A lot of it. Just then someone burst through into their room. It was Shownu.

"Oh, you are up." He stated. The girl too tired to respond just nodded.

"Well, it's school. We don't have a uniform so, just look... presentable. Nothing too crazy." He said looking down and then quietly left.

When he did the girls just looked at each other in silence.

"I say we wear something weird to annoy them" Chae said while getting up and leaving the room to find the toilet. Meanwhile Kei and Anna decided to attempt to find their clothes in the suitcase. While Al just went back to sleep.

"WE ARE LEAVING IN TEN MINUTES!" A voice shouted up at them. Which made Al shoot up and groan.

After rushing about and practically shoving Chae out of the bathroom, they were ready.

Once they went down the stairs the guys eyed them up, to make sure it was 'presentable'.

Since it was summer Kei was wearing a white vest top and some light blue jeans with some light shoes. Chae was wearing a pink belly top and some mint shorts with light shoes. Anna was wearing a simple black t shirt and some denim jeans. Meanwhile Al was wearing black leggings, a white top and a black cardigan.

"Aren't you going to be too hot in that?" Hyungwon asked Al. She just shook her head.

"Anyway, we realised that you don't know where you're going. So follow us from a distance." Minhyuk commanded as they walked out the door.

As mentioned it was a really hot day. They girls followed from quite a distance away from them.

As they were following closely from behind Al stopped no one noticed that she stopped. She then pulled Anna's wrist who was in front of her. Anna turned around but none of the rest knew they stopped so continued.

"What is it Al?" Al just motioned for Anna to follow her and so she did without question.

Al was very unusual but very smart and dangerous if not treated right. She lead Anna through various paths until she got to a very hidden forest.

Anna trusted Al so she never asked any questions and she was lead silently through the grey forest.

Anna and Al were always the closest of the four. They all trusted each other to the point of death but Al and Anna were the most likely to actually stick to that statement.

Suddenly Al stopped. She pointed behind a bush.

Anna squinted and she could just barely make out a siren from a police car peeking out from the bush.

"Won't the realise that they never came back and assume it was us?" Anna asked carefully.

Al just shrugged. There was silence for a moment.

"It was either that or the whole neighbour hood would be warned if we let them continue. If we are caught we can't fulfil our mission. Please try to understand." Al said Cooly while leading the way to the school she learned the day they were trying to find the house.

When Al and Anna got to the school they were met with the grumpy face of Chae and the happy face of Kei.

"Where the fuck where you?" Chae seethed out glaring at the girls.

"We got lost." Anna explained calmly trying not to get Chae angry.

"How!?" She glared.

"We just did." Al butted in which meant no more questions were to be asked. Chae just grumbled and started walking into the school.

"Do we really have to do work!" Kei screamed which caused many people to look at them.

"Yes Kei. This is school." Anna smiled politely at Kei while the latter pouted.

Chae pulled out the schedule she got while they were waiting on Al and Anna to arrive.

"Ugh I hate chemistry. Why do we need to go there first?" She grumbled while trying to find the class.

"Try not to blow anything up!" Kei laughed as they all entered the chemistry class. They all had the same classes.

As they entered the first thing they noticed is that the guys they were protecting were in that class. They knew their names even if they didn't introduce themselves. They had to know them. They were their guardians.

They were in the middle of the class and the only seats left were two seats at the front and two at the back.

Everyone knew that the back seats were the best seats. They all looked st each other with a dangerous glint in their eyes.

They all formed a circle. The looked at each other monitoring each other's moves. Figuring out who would make the first move.

"Chae you should sit at the front because your so beautiful the teachers would obviously want to see your beautiful face!" Kei smirked wickedly as Chae got red faced knowing that she got the weakest link out.

Chae grumbled while sitting at one of the seats in the front.

"Kei you should sit with her as your radiance will brighten up the entire class room." Al smirked silently. Kei not expecting the very quiet Al to compliment her turned red.

She sighed in defeat as she went to sit at the front beside Chae as Anna and Al went to the back.

"I take it you just wanted that to be over as you don't usually participate in that game." Al nodded at Anna's understanding.

Turns out the two seats at the back were in between Minhyuk and Hyungwon. They glared at them as the sat down.

As soon as they got to their seat Al put her head down on the desk and fell asleep.

Anna turned around and jumped.

"On the first day!" She whisper shouted trying to wake Al up.

Hyungwon and Minhyuk just gave them judging looks.

Suddenly something was said that made the four girls stop everything.

"Yeah my dad is a police and he told me of that special prison and apparently the world most dangerous criminals have escaped and are on the loose!"

Al sat up and looked at Anna. The girl continued.

"I don't know their names but my dad said they must be around our age and the best part is, they're girls!"

Suddenly a loud laugh was heard.

It was Kei. Everyone turned to her. She stood up and walked over to the girl who said that.

"You actually believe that the most dangerous criminals in the world are our age?" She giggled while the girl looked astonished.

"I'm not lying! My dad told me!" She protested.

"If what I heard is the truth they have done a lot of bad thing people out age wouldn't even dream off. Besides have you seen the way they planned their crimes? It's a long way above what someone our age could plan. Thinking ahead of your enemies  so accurately that you have calculated their every possible move and came out with a way to come out on top? It's impossible" She laughed and now the class was laughing at the girl too as she was flustered.

"The new girls right! Your dad must be lying!" Someone shouted and soon the whole class joined in. Kei walked Cooley back to her seat.

"She might be thick at times but she sure knows how to play." Anna whispered.

"Of course. She's been with us way too long." Al smirked slightly.

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