Chapter Two: You Must Be Joking

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It was a bright and sunny day. The clouds were all pure white. The trees were a crisp green. Everything was bright. Except the 4 girls walking down the street.

Really you couldn't even tell they were girls. They wore black hoodies with their hood up. One of the girls was looking at a slip of paper. That slip of paper had the address of their new living place on it.

There was silence as their eyes quickly scanned the area. Until one of them stopped.

"Wait a minute," one said while looking behind her.

"What?" Said one who sounded really annoyed.

"I THINK WE WENT THE WRONG WAY!" She shouted while the others just covered their ears.

"Calm down we don't want to attract to much attention to ourselves!" Another one said while pulling her hood down even more, now that a few people have noticed them.

"Why? It's not like they know what we are!" Grumbled the annoyed one.

They all turned around and started walking again. It was silent.

"So Al, what exactly is our task?" Said the normal one while catching up to her quiet friend.

"Our task? WE HAVE TO DO STUFF? I THOUGHT WE WERE JUST MOVING AWWWWW" the loud one again shouted.

"QUIET YOU ARE GAINING TO MICH ATTENTION!" The annoyed one screamed now angry.

Suddenly Al stopped. The other three stopping behind her. She pointed to a door and that's how they all knew that was the house.


"Mother, are you insane!?" Wonho shouted while their mother was frantically running around the house packing her bags.

" I'm sorry sweetheart but me being here will just make everything worse" the mother said out of breath while looking at her watch.

"Make what worse!?" He shouted which fell upon deaf ears.

He sighed and exited the room and went to the living room.

"Is she still leaving?" Jooheon asked from the couch he was on.

"Yep, no way around it. I'm pretty sure she's still set on getting those people to look after us too," he huffed plopping down beside his brother.

That's when the door rang.

"I'll get it!" Minhyuk shouted throughout the house and made his way to the door.

"NO I WILL!" Their mother screamed which stopped Minhyuk in his tracks. He watched as his mother rushed past him to open the door.

"Hello," the mother nervously opened the door to four girls dressed in all black.

"HELLO!" Shouted one which caused all of them to visibly flinch.

"Voice.down." Seethed one while punching the other in the arm.

"Yeah well you must be the group to protect my sons." They nodded. She quickly scanned them all with nervous eyes.

"I have heard a lot of story's about you all and well, are all of them true?" The lady gulped sensing the danger of the situation she was in.

"Depends what you heard ma'am," the normal one said.

"Oh, well" her eyes once again scanned the girls.

"If you don't trust us miss them you are correct to do so. But let's not forget at this point you have no choice other than to." The one who hasn't spoken a word since leaving prison finally said.

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