TWO: "I wish for a boyfriend that could be just like Miso."

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"I wish for a boyfriend that could be just like Miso."

I took the long 15 minute walk of shame back to my apartment, arriving soaked to my head to toe in rainwater. I unlocked my door, only to see a familiar ball of fur pounce onto me and lick my face as I pick him up. “Hi, Miso...I’m not feeling so great today. I said as a small tear escaped my right eye and Miso whimpered at my expression before he barked with a “yip” and scrambled to get something in a rush before coming back with my favorite plushie in his mouth. “Miso...thanks. If only there was a guy like you… Then I would have received the love that I deserve already... ” I said as I looked at my adorable dog while holding my sheep plushie, “Remi” in my arms, squeezing it like it’s my lifeline.

After 5 minutes of cooling down, I got up and fed Miso his dinner which was cubed steak with bell peppers and gravy, one of his favorite meals to eat. His white fur then had to be cleaned around his face and I groomed his fur as I watched one of my favorite K-Dramas with him like I usually do every night. This time it was “My Love From Another Star”, and whenever it came to commercial break, I would work on a little bit of my homework, so when the drama was done, so would my homework.

When everything was done, I would take a shower and change into my pajamas before cleaning Miso’s potty by placing everything in a trash bag and sending it down the trash chute before replacing the liner. I pretty much live alone in my apartment, as my parents often travel since they are both famous photographers and are now in Milan, and my older brother lives in his own house while going to college. I then looked at the beautiful display of Seoul from the 5th floor apartment. The buildings and streets look amazing, a high tech city at its finest, the lights seeming as they’re coming to life. I then look at the sky, the stars visible in the night sky and I wish on the brightest one, wishing in my mind that, "I wish for a boyfriend that could be just like Miso."

Who would’ve known that the wish would be granted overnight, and not in the way that I wanted it to be?

AN: And now the most exciting part - the next chapter! Are you ready?

My Dog Is My Boyfriend? Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon