Ice Cream Bean

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Y/n PoV

I hate my life. I really hate my life.

Why do I hate my life you ask? Well let's get one thing straight, I am a good child, that's why I was totally surprised at when my mother said she was going to kick me out. I mean what did I ever do to deserve that?

Then she informs me its because I have to learn to live alone. BUT THEN, she says that I'm going to be living with people???


Anyway, she them informs me that my room mates are seven guys.



That is not safe in the slightest.

So that's the story of how I came to be standing In front of this door, scared to ring the bell cause after I do I'll be living with seven guys.

Lord help me.

So I took a deep breath and...... Ran the fuck away. I was not ready to go yet.

I ran all the way to an ice cream shop cause I'm a three year old at heart.

I ran into the shop and ordered myself a tub with three huge scoops of Choco ice cream and sprinkles (if you don't like chocolate or ice cream change it to something else).

I sat down with my ice cream and cried. Dunno why let's just pretend I'm in a story and my life is taking a terrible turn. Oh wait. (DONT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL YOU PARASITE)

Anyway, as I was quietly eating my ice cream, I finished sobbing thank you very much for asking btw, I seen this tall guy walk in. He looked like a bean stalk TBH. (Guess who guess who)

He went to the counter and ordered some strawberry ice cream and turned around to leave. That's when he saw me. He started walking towards me as I tried to quickly stuff the ice cream that was falling out my mouth back into it before he arrived.

I managed to do that and he sat down in front of me.




Why the fuck is he prettier than me?

"Hello," he said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh hell-"

"I see you bought chocolate ice cream?" He cut me off. I just looked at my tub and nodded.

"So, do you like, prefer chocolate over strawberry?" He asked throwing me a really nice smile.

"Yeah I guess s-"

"You're wrong." He cut me off again this time his smile is gone.

"What?" I asked confused, as anyone would be in this situation.

"Chocolate is not better than strawberry." He said glaring at me.

"Listen bro, I never sai-"

"ARE YOU DISAGREEING WITH ME!?!?" He shouted cutting me off.... AGAIN.


"BEAN STALK!?" He shouted at me clearly looking enraged.

I realised that I've really angered him when he starts to turn green and then turns into the hulk. Jk but he's scarring me so I do the thing I do best. Run away. Looks like I'll have to face my house mates at some point. Hopefully they'll be better than that idiot I just met. (Boi you'll be in for a shock).

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