Chapter 2

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Kit Fisto's leather boots paced the ship docking bay. His huge, amphibious tentacles attracting attention and wonder. His cloak fluttered cluelessly around his legs and torso. He nodded to a fellow Jedi, turned a corner and took a moment to admire his starship. It was green, like him, and it resembled a streamlined, broad moth-type insect. He walked up to it and climbed the small stepladder that had been placed there, probably by a droid. He clambered up, and his eyes passed the empty droid slot. He refuses to have a droid, confounded things were so annoying. He placed himself in the cockpit and flicked several switches and pressed several buttons. The glorious ship woke, and the hologram of a tall black man appears from a small circle just under the glass pane that allowed Fisto to avoid crashing into odd pieces of space debris. The blue, bald figure spoke:
"You know what to do,"
Fisto responded in an agitated tone.
"Yes..." he put on a mocking tone "...yet another disturbance in the force, I must find,"
The figure was not amused. It spoke simply because it would be unkind not to.
"May the force be with you,"
Fisto's response was sincere, he did have a heart, after all.
"And you."
He reached up and when another switch was activated, another glass panel slid forward and met with the other and they hissed as they touched. He took control of the steering wheel and the ship rose to the air and, with a green flare of engine fire, shot off into the blue courascant sky.

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