Chapter 1

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Waldo laughed in joy that he didn't die. He thought he was done for.

"Man, that was a heartfelt moment you had there! And you didn't invite me," laughed Resizagirl.

"It's felt forever!", laughed Waldo.

"I've rarely heard you laugh before," said Resizagirl.

"How did you guys get here?", said Firestar.

"We had some help from someone," said Shadow.

"Yeah, quite a happy moment you had, sunshine! You should be thanking me, boy, for your rescue!", said a familiar voice.

A man came out. It was Bloodfist.

"Bloodfist?! Um, sorry for hiding from you," said Waldo.

"You tried to trap me with the Reapers! I like you, boy! I could use a first mate like you in my crew!", said Bloodfist.

"Sorry, I am already leader of the Agent Kids. By the way, if Universal Studios is looking for someone to pull a good cowboy act for a movie, you'd make a great cowboy!", said Waldo.

"Cowboy? Me?! I ain't no little boy, or person who herds cattle. That sounds lame. Helpin the beef industry sounds lame. There, anyone could be the police. That means more hidin for us outlaws. I got a rep," said Bloodfist.

"Not that type cowboy! I mean like the Lone Ranger. If I were to put a cowboy hat on you, a bandana, and replace that lame-looking arrow with an awesome lasso......then you'd be so good that the Lone Ranger would be lame!", joked Waldo.

"First, you pretend to be a girl. Second, you're crying in the gas chambers! Now you're saying that I would be someone good on a ranch to herd cattle all day! Man, you ain't nothin like what the Dark Legion complained you to be! Anyways, I know how to solve your problem. You're probably wonderin' how to destroy the shields that protect Locrith from enemy invasions? Here's the answer, boy. The Krankenhaus is actually not just a headquarters, but a giant shield generator. I discovered 9 facets that make it possible for the shields to be strong enough to withstand even Zeus's Masterbolt, the sacred light that he keeps on Mount Olympus. In order to destroy the shields, we must find these 9 facets and destroy them. Then the shields will go down and you may call Galtraxia and Olympus into the war. Do I sound like a cowboy?", said Bloodfist.

"Yes, you have the exact macho attitude and voice as one! Cowboys are awesome!", said Waldo.

"No, they aren't! Herding cattle is lame! Especially now that you have spaceships and robots that just does the job for ya! Plus, a lasso ain't my thing. I like to use my Hellfire Arrow!", said Bloodfist.

"You have no idea what an American cowboy or Vaquero is! You seriously need to see the Lone Ranger!", said Waldo.

"I told you, ya can't be a cowboy without a lasso! All I need is my Hellfire Arrow!", said Bloodfist.

"What is so special about your arrow?! You don't even have a bow!", said Waldo.

"This arrow doesn't need a bow. Legend has it that this arrow came from the fires of Hell itself. The only things that carry these things are Spirits of Vengeance, demons that come from Hell to search for those who were desire vengeance. As for me, I desire vengeance on the Dark Legion! You see, I once had a family, a great one. I had a nice wife, and a nice daughter. They both meant the whole multiverse to me. Of course, I was a citizen of the Dark Legion. One day, there was a knock on my door. I open it, and I see an army of Dark Legionnaires. They ask for my daughter to be sold into slavery. They promised me that I'd see her again when she reached 20. However, I knew all their lies to darn well! I went through the same thing when I was a kid, and I never got to meet my parents. So I said I had no daughter. So I hid my daughter away to keep her safe. She wanted to see the outside world. However, it wasn't long before my friends discovered that I hid a child in my house. So they told on me. The Dark Legion come back, and they arrest me. I saw them as they shot my wife and daughter dead. Meanwhile, I was supposedly taken to the Gas Chambers. However, a voice spoke to me. At that time, I had no idea what it was, but I believe it was a Vengeance Spirit. So I made a deal with him, a deal with my demons! He gave me the Hellfire Arrow and set me free. From there, I founded the Assassins to destroy the Dark Legion for good! In honor of my wife and daughter, I will win this war!"

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