Chapter 16

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"Why?", Vanessa croaked.

"Vanessa!", said Waldo.

Waldo took out of his pocket a Vitality Scanner, a machine that checks on people's health. He scanned Vanessa's wounds. Thankfully, she was still alive. However, she was severely wounded and injured to the point where it would take weeks to heal.

"I AM GONNA KILL DEATHSHADOW FOR THIS!!!! I'LL MAKE HIM PAY!!!! A MESSIAH WHO HURTS HIS DISCIPLES IS NO MESSIAH AT ALL!!!! Don't die, Vanessa! Just hang in there and breath!", yelled Waldo.

Waldo grabbed a packet of bandages he brought with him and began bandaging up Vanessa. He scanned her wounds again, her heartbeat was getting lower. Before he became an Agent Kid, Waldo was an expert doctor and surgeon. But he didn't have any medical equipment to treat her.

So he built his own medical supplies out of the shield generator he destroyed, and it actually worked. He made sure Vanessa's heartbeat was right. He constantly checked her pulse. He checked her blood pressure. Basically, a bunch of medical things. He made sure she was getting enough sleep.

One day, Vanessa woke up.

"Where am I?", she croaked.

"Shhhhhh. Just lay down," said Waldo.

"I should be dead? What are you doing here?", said Vanessa.

"Saving you life," said Waldo.

"Why are you doing this? I harmed you. I harmed your friends. It's my fault that Deathshadow is back. Are you seriously gonna forgive me like that?", said Vanessa.

"You did harm me and my friends. That is indeed something I will never forgive you for doing! But I believe that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. So now's the time to make amends for your sins!", said Waldo.

"But the punishment for sin is death!", said Vanessa.

"No it's not! Everyone is a sinner, including the insane maniac you call 'the Messiah'. But the Messiah I remember at church did the opposite of condemning sinners for their violations of divine law. The Messiah I remember forgave people for their sins, and gave them another chance to enter heaven. The man you call 'the Messiah' is not a the Messiah, nor will he ever be! Dark Cranky wants to create 'the Holy World of Divinity'. I believe that there is no need to create the Holy World of Divinity because it is already here. The Holy World of Divinity is in our hearts. Nobody is perfect, nor will anyone ever be perfect. But that doesn't mean we deserve to die for being imperfect," said Waldo.

"How did Michael die?", said Vanessa.

"Before I arrived at the Krankenhaus, I went on an infiltration mission to find out how to destroy Locrith's shields. There, I disguised myself as a Minor. While pretending to be a slave, I met Michael, who was also a slave. He was very determined to find you. He even hacked into the Dark Legion's archives. While he was still alive, I promised to him that I would help him reunite with you. When he learned the truth about you, he was sad. He thought he could never reunite with you. If only he were still alive, his claim about that would be proven wrong. Michael died during the Grand Death Games. He sacrificed himself to save me. He took a bullet for me, literally," said Waldo.

"Who killed him?", said Vanessa.

"A familiar face who bullied us at school. Although he died just after Michael. He was an Overseer. It was Jonathan Ivan who killed him. You can thank me for avenging Michael because it was I who killed Jonathan," said Waldo.

"I heard you disassembled Jonathan limb by limb, a very brutal way to die. And I thought 'everyone deserves a shot at redemption'!", said Vanessa.

"So I guess it's okay to call a truce?", said Waldo.

"I guess so," said Vanessa.

"So, are you ready to redeem yourself?", said Waldo.

"I don't know if my sins are beyond atonement. Where do I start?", said Vanessa.

"You know a lot about Dark Cranky: his armies, his weapons, and his plans! I need you to tell me everything you know about him. I need you to be my guide," said Waldo.

"Deathshadow has all sorts of plans, and they all revolve around this 'Game of Destiny' he's 'playing' with you. All of his plans show how incredibly nuts he is! He believes he is walking in the footsteps of Jesus. He typically uses Christianity to inspire his followers. Just the word 'Messiah' satisfies him," said Vanessa.

"What is his goal out of this 'Game of Destiny'? Why is he so systematic in trying to kill me? Can't he just call his entire army to destroy me?", said Waldo.


"I am glad that Dark Cranky didn't steal your humor from you. But what is the aim of the Game of Destiny?", said Waldo.

"Dark Cranky sees everyone in this Multiverse as puppets. He sees himself as the one pulling the strings. He lives in a bughouse! He wants to systematically tear you from the inside out! He sees you as his entertainment. He says to me that Mortals have written great tales in the past of great heroes. He wants to write a tale of his own, a god's tale. He loves to play with your emotions and intellect. If there's one thing I know for certain, he will stop at nothing until you are killed by him in the most ironically horrific way possible," said Vanessa.

"Yeah, no, I get the point!", said Waldo.

"He has you in his head! He'll kill you slowly, intimately, in every way you possibly fear! Deathshadow is obsessed about you to the point where he destroyed our home country!", said Vanessa.

"Galtraxia?", said Waldo.

"No, something much more precious to the BOTH of us! He destroyed America, Waldo! He went too far! He killed the President!", said Vanessa.

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