You can't hide

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Not waiting for any other signal that something was wrong you drop anything that you were holding, and pelt up the stairs, skidding into your bedroom very ceremoniously. Not having time to find a proper hiding place, you duck behind your door, standing on your tip-toes to pull the door back as far as you can. From your hiding place you can hear terrifying sounds downstairs. It sounds as if a rabid animal has been let loose, all if a sudden it stops and you can hear laughing. At the start it is almost inaudible but it gets louder and louder until it is all you can hear. You  clamp your hands over your ears to try and block it, but still the sound resonates around your mind. The just as quickly as it came it leaves, trailing a cloak of silence behind it. It's as if whatever made it had suddenly left, or was trying to find you. You hear creaking on the stairs, and through the crack in your hinges you see a figure creeping around the landing. You suck in a harsh breath, it was the smallest of noises but the figure's head snaps round, towards you. And even in your limited vision you can see a sadistic grin. And even more terrifyingly, a large knife in his hand.

As a hand with encrusted blood grasps the side of the door you suck in a breath and cover your head with your arms, squeezing your eyes shut in the process. You can feel the door being closed and you're left, standing against the door, practically shaking in fear. But to your surprise no painful blow comes, no stab or punch. Not even a slap. But gentle hands prying your arms from your head and a sweet Irish voice telling you to open your eyes. Slowly but surely you do, and you see Jack, he looks confused as to why you were behind the door fearing for your life. "What?" Is all you can manage before your voice cracks and a tear falls down your cheek. What on earth just happened? You wonder. "Hey hey! What's wrong?" Jack asks you, pulling you away from the wall and sitting you on your bed. "You told me about Anti! Then he came and you told me to hide, so I did! Then he was there about to kill me! A-and then it wasn't him it was you!" You blurt out, trying to make sense of what was happening. But to your dismay Jack seemed as confused as you. In fact, he only made things worse. "We were downstairs chatting about types of coffee and computer games when you suddenly dropped your mug and ran up here. I was trying to find you. I thought i'd said something wrong!" This only disorientates further, causing a series of small hiccups to follow, greatly amusing Jack. "Come on. Will you be ok? I have a train to catch if that's alright." You nod the affirmative and follow him to the door, he thanks you for the coffee and the "excitement" before turning to leave. But before he truly goes he turns to you. "Please forget anything that I told you. Just forget this ever happened. It's for your on good." The he's gone, running through the rain to get a taxi that was waiting a few doors down. As strange as his request was, you did follow it and soon you forgot all about the strange blue haired man and his psychopathic alter at all.

A/n: hey guys don't worry that's not the end. No way! More like the beginning. Think of that as a really, really long prologue. Now the real fun starts! See you next chapter! Elle out!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 13, 2017 ⏰

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It's Psychological (Antisepticeye x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang