Crushing Hugs

967 17 42

  Prince POV

  I looked up from my desk to see my phone had a notification.
  All of us had made it so whenever someone commented a dare, we would all see it at the same time.
  Getting up from my desk I grabbed my phone and sat down on my bed.
  This dare is from BeanSoupp, and I think it is so romantic!!!
  My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Patton running after Logan in the hallway.
  I didn't know why until I had read the dare.
  The dare said you had to admit if you had a crush on someone, but not who. Then you had to hug them.
  I would love to participate but I don't think I have a crush on anyone...
  I felt the familiar tug of being summoned.

Patton yelled all giddy.

"Oh brother." Said a grumpy yet surprisingly...blushing Anxiety?

"You guys know what you have to do!!" Thomas said, turning on his camera.

"The dare is to admit if you have a crush on someone, but not who" Logan stated matter of factly.

"I do not have a crush." I stated

"I do!" Said Patton. It didn't come as a surprise really. It was obvious Patton liked Logan.

"As a matter of fact so do I." NOW THATS A SURPRISE.

"Wait really? But aren't you like, a robot?"  I stated

Patton giggled and Logan rolled his eyes.

"...I do" whispered anxiety.

Wait what? 

Anxiety has a crush?

For some strange reason I felt a small pang of hurt. Weird.

Thomas shut off the camera and we all sank out.

(Later that night)

I was scrolling through comments on Thomas's latest video when I heard a small knock on my door.

I got up and opened it to see a blushing anxiety.

He failed to meet my eyes as he twiddled his thumbs.

"Anxiety? What are you-" I started but was cut off as he quickly wrapped his arms around me and released.

He ran down the hall and slammed his door.

What in the world...

My face was hot and I felt butterflies. Did I have feelings for anxiety?...

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