Smooching time

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This dare was for roman to kiss anxiety. Oh boy.

Roman was officially freaking out. He had been applying his favorite face mask when his phone went off, indicating a new ask from the viewers.

His eyes brisk over some of his other notifications before he sees it. His heart drops and he stares wide eyed at the phone.

"Oh no oh bippity boppity NO" he panics, tossing his phone to the floor.

"Take a deep breath Roman", he tried telling himself, but the shame was evident as his cheeks burned. He knew he had to do it, but he was so overcome with nerves!

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

"I'm coming in", Virgil stated before Roman could respond.

Virgil peaked into Roman's room, spotting him standing up trying to look innocent.

"Why hello there Virgil! I was just about to join the others in the commons! Why don't we go together?"

"Listen Gumdrop Princess-" Virgil began, earning a shocked face from Roman, "I'm literally the embodiment of anxiety, I can tell you're stressing about something just from your body language" he finishes, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him.

Virgil sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him. Roman sighs as he plops down onto the bed.

"So, whats wrong in the kingdom of musicals?"

Roman eyes Virgil suspiciously, "wait why are you suddenly so clever with nicknames?" He asks.

Virgil seems flustered as he starts ringing his hands and avoiding Roman's eyes.

"I don't know, why are you asking aren't we supposed to be talking about you right now??" He stutters out.

Roman remembers the dare he had read just 5 minutes prior to this. He supposes now is a good time to get it over with..

Roman sits up and looks at Virgil. He can see Virgil's face heating up from the staring.

Before Virgil could comment on the matter, Roman lightly caresses Virgil's cheek with his thumb, before tilting his head and moving in for the kiss.

Virgil is clearly taken aback by this, but his eyes flutter closed and he lightly kisses back.

Roman shifts closer to Virgil and cups his face as the two kiss. Virgil realizes what's happening and pushes Roman away.

They both just stare at each other with their faces burning.

"Well that was... unusual" Virgil states shakily. He seems to be on the verge of a panic attack. Seeing this, Roman rushes back to Virgils side and gives him a slight side hug.

"Hey, hey Virgil. Listen to me, it's going to be alright. Do your breathing exercises, I'm here for you" Roman says softly as Virgil curls up into Roman's arms.

Virgil is crying now, but Roman is there to console him. Roman feels bad about making Virgil feel this stressed, but hopes they can talk everything out after. For now, Roman rubs circles into Virgil's back as the trembling subsides.

This was a mess oh my gosh I'm sorry lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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