The Dreaded G Note

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It was your average day in the mind palace. At least, for everyone but Virgil.

The gang had gotten together earlier that morning to discuss a prank for Virgil, and everyone had to participate since it was technically a dare.

"Alright" said Roman, "I'll do the singing, and Logan, I want you to hit the G note"

"I still don't understand how this will prank Virgil, it's just a noise?" Logan responded, looking confused.

Patton was whimpering in the corner, not wanting to hurt his son.

Roman looked over at Patton and came up with an idea...

"Oh Patton!" Roman called, smiling.

Patton sniffled into a pillow before looking up. "Yes?" He asked.

"Virgil has been kidnapped by spiders-"

"WHAT" screamed Patton, leaping up and throwing the pillow he was previously cradling across the room. Logan dodged the flying pillow and looked genuinely concerned.

"Yes," Roman continued, "you see Patton, the spiders have created a fake Virgil, and the only way we can rescue the REAL Virgil is to play this G note. Legend says, the G note with kill the spiders immediately!" Roman announced with pride.

Logan face-palmed in the background.

"We must save my son, no matter the cost" Patton spoke in a low voice.

Roman stood momentarily still. "Oooookay then.. let's get to work!"

Virgil was painting his nails when Patton knocked on his door.

"Oh kiddo!!" Patton sang, "I have a surprise for you!~"

Virgil decided he had been hibernating long enough and opened the door. He was taken aback by Patton's appearance.

"Uhh, are you alright Patton?" Virgil asked.

"Perfectly dandy kiddo!"

"It's just..." Virgil hesitated, "you look like you're about to murder me".

Patton laughed and reassured Virgil he was planning nothing of the sort. He escorted Virgil into the main room where the others were gathered.

"What's going on here?" Virgil asked, already feeling nervous.

"Hit it nerd!" Roman yelled, mouthing an apology to Virgil.

Logan hit the G-note, and all hell broke loose.

Virgil immediately crumpled to the floor crying about how MCR is love MCR is life, Patton was jumping around the room screaming about his victory over the evil spiders, Logan was attempting to catch Patton- which ended up with the lamp breaking- while Roman was attempting to comfort a broken Virgil.

"VICTORY IS MINE!" Patton screamed before being tackled by Logan.

I'm gonna end it here peoples of the internet, please send me more ideas :)

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