Because We All Need a Bit of Music

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Aka the story that I wrote because I was bored and I feel like my birthday's a good excuse to update. Here yall go.

Also Shiro is fake af and he doesn't deserve Keith's soft smile or hugs.

"Alright team, let's head out and see what's going on on the Balmera this time around." Everyone nodded sharply at Shiro's words and broke up into their respective lions. Things had been tough ever since Keith left to fight for the Blades of Marmora; it had been a shock and nobody had really gotten over it yet. Not to mention Shiro's strange behavior: he had been acting off ever since he came back. He wasn't acting like the soft fatherly figure they all knew; he felt more like a commander now. Their team felt so much different now than it was before-- hardly even a team anymore--but all they could do for now was listen to Shiro and hope things turned out alright.

Everyone plopped into their lions, checking to make sure their armor was secure before following Black onto the Balmera. They had all wondered how Hunk felt when he heard that the Balmera was the Galra's next likely target. There wasn't much room for confusion, though, since Hunk was panicking over the speakers, asking Allura if she was absolutely sure the Galra hadn't attacked the Balmera yet, I just wanna make sure, princess.

They all heard Hunk go silent, but none were concerned; Yellow was probably trying to calm him down.

Indeed she was. She had started playing soft, calming music that slowly got Hunk to relax his vice grip on the controls and slouch his tense shoulders. He thanked Yellow and leaned his head back, closing his eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. When he opened them, though, he was met with the sight of dozens of Galra ships looming over the Balmera like a swarm of bees. Yellows calming melody stopped, waiting for Hunk's request. "Play Victorious," he said, grinning. Yellow gave a small noise of agreement, satisfied with his choice.

Then the action began to kick in.

The five didn't have to form Voltron quite yet, but the fight was rough; everyone had barely dodged multiple attacks by an arms length.

Lance was getting frustrated.

He was even more frustrated at The Black Parade blaring in his ears.

Once Keith came back, he would scold him for his music choice.

He'd had enough. "Red, can you play something like, oh I dunno, something more me, not Keith?" He could feel Red roll her eyes, but felt an underlying hint of playfulness in it. He groaned loudly over the comm when she started blasting Gasolina at an even louder volume than before. Accepting that this was the best he'd get, he mumbled a quiet 'thanks' to Red before focusing wholeheartedly on the fight at hand, just barely dodging a laser beam one of the fighter jets shot. He would never admit it, but the Spanish songs playing in the background helped him laser-focus. Maybe it was because he knew all the words from his days with his family. Maybe it was because he felt a connection with his family listening to it, after all this time out in space, never alone, but always feeling it now that Keith was gone.

Pidge's reasons were slightly less... emotional.

They couldn't help but love electronic music, it just fit them. They couldn't help but admit that Daft Punk was the bomb and would have to make Matt listen to it once they met up again. Never once did Pidge come close to getting hit after Green bumped it up a notch.

Allura was confused, annoyed, and slightly intrigued as to why Lance loved such pitiful music.

Blue informed her that Lance was just a meme in disguise, so he had to love Shakira and Britney Spears by default. Luckily for Allura, Pidge had explained to her what memes were, or she'd be completely lost. She wasn't able to hyper-focus like the others, but her fighting did get a bit more precise and refined.

Shiro on the other hand--

He was fed up. So fed up.

He was disgusted. He was revolted.(that was part of a vine hehehhehehe see what I did there)  He was done. Why Black loved to play such hideous troll songs baffled him to no end. Why in the hell would you even play Allstar during a battle Black what is wrong with you. Eventually, after many harsh-but-lighthearted words, Black let up on her teasing and started playing songs more to Shiro's liking. He could do without any music, but he supposed it was nice to have in the background.

Despite all the interruptions, the five paladins managed to drive off the Galra fleet without needing to form Voltron, as well as protecting the Balmera from taking much damage from the onslaught of lasers. She was really only hit a few times, which the Balmerans informed the five she was thankful for.

Shiro was kind and let Hunk visit Shay, which was a story indeed. Lance decided to break it down to Shay crashing into Hunk and both of them toppling over in a hug and many tears of joy on both ends. They even kissed; Lance had photographic evidence and future blackmail material.

They all stayed there for a few more hours, letting Hunk and Shay walk around together while the others conversed and learned more about the Balmera from the Balmerans. Soon enough, though, the paladins were forced to board the castle and say their goodbyes to the inhabitants. The two lovebirds shed a few more tears before Shay gave Hunk a necklace with a small balmeran crystal hanging from it. He wore it gladly, stepping closer and taking off his orange bandana to wrap it gingerly around Shays head.

Lance's heart clenched at that. He and Hunk had been friends since they were twelve, and Hunk had never once taken it off his head unless he was washing it or taking a shower. To see him give it to Shay... he knew she must mean the universe to Hunk. He gingerly wiped the tears that had gathered but refused to fall from his eyes. Pidge punched his arm lightly for being such a crybaby, but they would never know the true meaning behind Hunk's actions. It was Hunk and Lance's little secret forever.

They all left the Balmera on that sad note, realizing again just how much weight it was to carry as the protecters of the universe. How long they've gone without seeing their families. How long they will go.

This was a war that they had lost hope of returning from.

Well, I tried not to make it a ship chapter, so as to satiate everyone, bbuuuuuttt who doesn't ship Shunk? That's right, I don't see any of you. Also I wasn't gonna make it angsty, bbbuuuuuttt I did because thats how it went. Sorry if it's a bit sloppy, I wrote this in like an hour so I didn't really put much thought into it. I guess that's all for now. Bye frienderinos!!

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