➞ you have a brother...

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your brother: Mike
his reaction: is really over protective but actually ships it
-never leaving you guys alone
-secretly takes pictures of you two
-happy as long as you're happy
-will break Lucas if he even thinks about hurting you

your brother: Steve
his reaction: really happy for both of you
-teases you both so much
-was waiting for for you guys to get together, honestly
-gives Dustin advice

your brother: Dustin
his reaction: pissed at first but eventually realizes how much you mean to each other
-never leave you two alone
-glaring at mike for the first week
-realizes you really like each other when he sees how you look at mike
-happy that you're happy
-still over protective though

your brother: Lucas
his reaction: same as Dustin. Mad at first but warms up to the idea.
-gives you both the silent treatment
-super grouchy 24/7
-you talk to him about how much will means to you
-he realizes he was being silly and noticed how cute you both are together

your brother: will
his reaction: he absolutely loves the idea of you two together
( if you're a girl: )
-a lil confused about the whole LGBT+ thing
-you explain and he's totally understanding and accepting
-thinks you're adorable together
-happy El has someone to ground her and make her happy
-happy to see you so in love and so happy

( if you're a boy: )
-thinks you're both really cute
-a bit concerned about how this'll make mike feel
-gets a bit jealous since you don't pay much attention to him any more

your brother: Dustin
his reaction: pissed at you for dating  S t e v e  but winds up loving Steve after hanging out with him a bit
-"what the fuck? You're dating Steve? Steve Harrington, Steve? That douche?"
-hangs out with Steve during all this Mind Flayer business
-practically steals Steve from you
-Steve coming over while you're supposed to be watching Dustin and Dustin pretending to be disgusted by you both but secretly shipping the fuck out of it
-you, Dustin and Steve being the ultimate trio

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