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Yeah .. Macam selalu yg kita degr selepas hujan akan kelihatan pelangi macam yg exo hadapi . Selepas masalh dtg akan ada lgi masalh dan trs masalah tapi lepas tu ? Akan dtg kebahagian yg melimpah ruah untuk mereka .

Exo tetap exo even kurg 3org . So patutkah EXOL benci sangt dngn EXO ? patut ke nak left exo? Hmm KRISS LUHAN TAO left exo dan ini jadi alasan exol nak left juga ? So up to you guys if still nak anggap exo tu jahat . Exo tu selfish exo just nak popular nak menunjuk fake segala lesnt wht ever you say abt them i still support them . And one thing don't be a MUNAFIK prsn :') . Ok just all . This my last note .


Just imagine when exo do this for EXOL?  . The story just fake but when u can feel what I felt.  I'll make sure that it's hurt you so much.  Exexol just left exoL alasan KRISS LUHAN TAO?  Hm  its okey ;) but remember when you see XOXO performance when you see their first stage performance, get the awards bb and more cry happy need more right?.. Yes kebahagian bukan selamanya bilik dorg :) . But we can make they happy we can do this.  :') never forget the best memory with them. We still need them in kpop world 


Thank you so much to make EXOL laugh so hard. I know you left exol cuz 2 reason . 1. Cuz you thing they have bnyk saingan gp bru debut . Dan korg kurg keyakinan untuk drg dpt award .
2. Sebp utama kriss luhan tao .

So dear haters stop being stupid. Takde kerja lain 💆 .


. The end.

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