Scene 17 - Patrick delivers a speech.

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Group are running across a paddock, when suddenly, Mary stops.

Mary: I think we’re safe now.

Jack: I don’t think I could run any further.

Carter: I can’t believe we just lost Laura.

Patrick: Laura, why did you have to die?

Carl: What are we going to do?

Patrick: The only thing we can do.

Jamie: And what’s that?

Patrick: Avenge Laura’s death, of course.

Mel: How are we going to do that?

Patrick: By putting an end to the Justin Bieber/Nikki Minaj rule, and destroying the zombies.

Carter: And just how do you propose we do that? We’re just a bunch of kids.

Patrick: That is true. But we must try. We need to. We need to put an end to this. We have to try. We’ve all lost friends and family, and we need to make sure they don’t die in vain. We can’t let their deaths be the first of the deaths of human kind. We must save our race, our selves, and our music. And to do that, we must first present Justin Bieber and Nikki Minaj to the zombies. Only then will we be rid of the zombies and of the fan-girls, who keep needlessly taking the lives of the innocent and the good.

Carl: Wow. Just wow.

Jamie: That speech was just incredible.

Mary: He’s right. We’ve lost too many, already. We must keep fight the fan-girls, and brave their defences.

Patrick: For Laura!

Everyone else: For Laura!


Just seeing how many people noticed I skipped 16.

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