Jinyoung - Waiting (Part 2)

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' Jinyoung and you were childhood friends, but then you two separated

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' Jinyoung and you were childhood friends, but then you two separated. 9 years later, you meet Jinyoung again. '

"I know a shortcut. Do you want to come with me or do you want to stay here begging them to open the gate for you and at the end you get caught by the dean and get punished?" Well at least, he was kind enough to ask you that. You looked at the security, ensuring that he isn't looking at you anymore.

"I will come with you"

The boy smirked and you just followed him in silence.

"Are you a new student?" The sudden question breaks the silence between you and him.


"And you late in your first day?" He said in a sarcastic way. You just rolled your eyes.

"The path is not easy, you will have to jump later on" He said.

"How high is it though?"

"Very high, it risks your life" You know he doesn't mean it so you just chuckled at him, he saw you chukling and smiled.

That dude was right, You have to jump pretty high to enter the school building from the shortcut. The boy jumped first and he helped you by holding your hand when it's your turn jump. That's when he saw your necklace.

"Nice necklace" you touch your necklace when he said that.

"Thanks" you flashed a smile to him, and he smiled back.

You thought that this boy is just very handsome, you are somehow excited when he smiles back to you. Gosh, he's so hot, if stare could kill, then you would have died right away.

"Where are you from? You look familiar" He asked as he lead the way to school.

"It's somewhere in countryside" You grinned as he smirked.

"Do you already know which class you are assigned?"

"Yes, it's 12-3. But I don't know which way to go" You said to him, hoping that he will at least assist you.

"What? That's my class too! We can go together!" He said and smiled at you. When he said that, a teacher caught you two and approached you.

"What are you two doing?! It's almost 7:30, why are you still lingering around here?" You were a bit terrified. In fact, you already got yourself in a trouble on the first day of school. How great, you thought. And it's impossible to lie, Jinyoung could have just said that he was on his way back from the toilet but you two were carrying a bag, so he just stayed still.

"You two come with me to the office! Now"


That teacher punishes you and Jinyoung for being late to school and makes you write 2 page long of apology letter. You already explained to him that you are a new student in the school, hoping that he will let you slide, and as a kind teacher he is, he said "I don't care if you are new or old it's your business. Just don't late" What a kind and great teacher, right?

"I thought I can trust your words" You sarcastically said to the boy, he just smiled sheepishly.

Only two of you remain in the room. The kind-hearted teacher left you and locked the two of you inside so you weren't able to escape from the room.

"Geez, did I just commit a crime to be locked in here?"

"Relax, it's a great first-day experience isn't it?" You glared at him and he laughed.

"So, (Y/N) Is your name?" You turned around to look at him.

"How did you know?" He pointed to the apology letter, which you write your name there.

"That's weird, I think I've heard your name somewhere" You continue to write your apology letter and so did he.

"Hey, there are dozens of people who have the same name as mine" You chuckled.

"And, what is your name?"

"Jinyoung. Bae Jinyoung"

You stopped writing and immediately turned around to look at him. When you turned around, he already looking at your way.

"What..? What is your name again?" You barely breathed when you hear the name 'Jinyoung' you thought you heard the wrong name.

"My name is Bae Jinyoung, (Y/N)" He smiled at you, try not to break the eye contact with you.

Again, you're at a loss for words. No matter how many times you think, the only person that crossed your mind is your old friend Bae Jinyoung.

"You're..." You are about to ask if he knows you but he somehow manages to read your mind.

"Yes, (Y/N) I know what you're thinking. I am Jinyoung, your neighbor Bae Jinyoung. I only realize that you were (Y/N) just a while ago" You was too shocked to say anything. You ain't ready for this. He laughed at your priceless reaction.

"How come-"
"See, I told you we will meet again soon if you keep that necklace" Before you could finish your sentence, he cut your words.

"You still keep this, I thought you never wore it and already lose it" He touches the necklace. The sudden contact makes you flinched. Just exactly how many times this boy left you surprised with his action.

"You are so cute" He once again chuckled at your reaction.

"Stop looking at me, you make me want to kiss you" You heart skipped a beat when he said that, you smiled to him, assuming that he only say that to tease you.

"I miss you, how have you been?" You finally got a courage to ask him. You really miss Jinyoung, how can you not though? He was your childhood friend and you haven't met him for 9 years.

Once again, this Jinyoung dude left you speechless. Instead of answers you back, he kissed your lips softly. You open your eyes wide, your mind is a mess right now. You just froze at the place.

Jinyoung released the kiss, looking at you right into your eye. You barely breathing at this point. He laughed at your face and ruffled your hair.

"You should look at your face now"

Unlike you, Jinyoung is chill af, as if he didn't do anything wrong. Wth is wrong with him.


"I miss you too, (Y/N). I really really miss you"

"I have a crush on you since a long time ago, do you even know about it?" You don't know how to react, so you just smiled at him, but you somehow can feel his sincerity.

Before you could say anything, the teacher came in. He basically ruined the atmosphere.

"You two may go out now and proceed your business later on"



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