part 1

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Violetta was walking to the studio with Angie, they were talking about breaking ups as Angie and Pablo broke up yesterday, Angie kissed German whilst they was watching Vilu performing at the theatre with the other students.

Angie started to panic saying “I love your dad, but it is that me and Pablo have always been close, and your dad hurt me throughout those 12 years I couldn’t see you and I can forgive him for that but…..”

“but nothing,” interrupted Vilu “if there is one thing I learned about love, its follow your heart and you won’t go wrong, you taught me that! I want you to be happy, you’re the world’s best auntie”

“now lets not get sad Vilu”

“yeah, so how’s nan?”

“shes fine but she doesn’t agree with me and your dad being together”

“I need to see her, she is my nan”

At the studio Leon was hanging out with Maxi and Fede

“hows you and Vilu?” asked Fede

“I love her, shes the one for me” Leon said with a massive smile on his face

Maxi wanted to tell Leon something, he was scared to tell him

“did you know that ………..” maxi started but was interrupted

Fran and Cami was writing a new song about friendship in the music room

They sang “lalalalalala the  best friend I ever ….” They stopped as the whole studio starred at him

violetta you never know whats around the cornerWhere stories live. Discover now