part 11

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Vilu ran up to her room in tears

“what’s the point of that,” Leon shouted, he felt like he had to protect his girlfriend as they both hated jade “you know that it would hurt her and you don’t think of Vilu. I am shocked that you did this to your own daughter Herman. I hate this.” Leon ran up stairs to see Vilu

“no Camilla, my family wants me to move back to Brazil and not live here anymore” Broadway said

“you are leaving me?” Camilla replied sadly

“unfortunately you are current”

“I love you,” Camilla said trying not to cry “so when are you moving”

“I don’t know, my family wants me as soon as possible”


“you wish. Where is Vilu” Tomas said

“so how did it go, do you have a new girlfriend!!! Are you head over heels in love! I’m so happy for you” Diego asked fede

“no she turned me down and she never thought I was serious about it” fede replied

“I’m sorry mate, I’m always here for you you know that right”

“yeah, thanks, I think I’m going to go back home now, do you want to come and hang out or something”

“yeah, I’ll come with you”

They arrived at the house to find Herman worried about Vilu and hearing Vilu in tears in her room and Leon trying to calm her down

“what’s wrong Herman, is Vilu ok?” fede asked Herman

“me and jade are getting married tomorrow” Herman replied

“WHAT” Diego reacted

violetta you never know whats around the cornerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora