part 19

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It was music class with beto

No one could stop laughing as beto was going crazy tripping over his own feet

They did learn something, and not only their teacher was mad but they learn the art of adding emotions to their music

“well that was fun” vilu said

“hi, I’m im I’m Luther, I’m new here, I’m really nervous do you know where Antonio is, can you take me please?” the new guy Luther asked Violetta.

Violetta replied with “sure I will take you to him, I’m Violetta by the way, I’m here for you if you need me”

“t-t-thank you”

Antonio came out of his office “come in Luther and Violetta please come in to if you don’t mind”

Antonio gave Luther the introduction speech and asked Violetta to take care of Luther as they had the same classes

Violetta took Luther to her friends and introduced him to them “Luther comes from Mexico Guadalajara same as you Leon!”

Diego pulled Luther to the side to make friends with him

Diego was nosey “do you like any girls here yet?”

Luther replied with a massive smile on his face “I like Violetta”

“your not the only one mate!”

“really who else likes her?”

“well Leon is her boyfriend, they have been on and off a lot of times, Tomas dated her for a while, I dated her, Federico likes her, broko likes her, Broadway use to like her, every guy almost pretty much, you are just another one on her waiting list which Leon wont let anyone have a chance of dating her.”

violetta you never know whats around the cornerWhere stories live. Discover now