o1 | come be lonely with me

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[ If you're lonely come be lonely with me. Lonely, passion is crashing as we speak. You seem so lonely, you're the ground my feet won't reach... ]
• • •
RAIN PATTERED DISMALLY AGAINST the glass pane Liam gazed out of. Relief flooded through him after the Anuk-ite having been defeated yet an unsettling feeling urched inside, the cause unknown...

His attention soon averted to Mason who sat impatiently on his cream carpet, beckoning for Liam to join him in a game of COD.

"Come on, dude. First you completely blank me when I tell you I bought the new Call of Duty : WWII like it isn't the most insane thing ever," Mason paused, noticing Liam was still unfazed by his words, but continued anyway, "then you seem to be absolutely disinterested when Hayden tells you she has a surprise for you."

Once again he stopped, in the hopes of a response from an entranced Liam, who's expression failed to display any sign of interest. Sighing irritatedly, he dismissed the presence of the confusing boy and returned to his game.

In all honestly, Liam registered every word Mason uttered - he just couldn't think of an explanation. Recently he felt as if a part of him had been lost, never to return. The part of him that was truly human, the part to which teenager conventions - like girlfriends and lacrosse - actually mattered.

Now he felt like nothing mattered.

There was no possibility of him ever being able to resurrect and maintain his previous mediocre lifestyle as if the supernatural events had never occurred. He was too far gone. Glares would often be thrown his way as he trudged down the halls of Beacon Hills High School, conveying that the students were well aware of his being, of his secret.

Moreover, he'd frequently be beaten up for it even after Gabe's passing away and Nolan's decision to call a truce. Some inconsiderate douches would still shove him into walls or snap his lacrosse stick and for what reason? He'd never touched a hair on their head, infact, had it not been for himself, they might not have lived to this day.

It all left Liam feeling quite nihilistic.

"I think I'm gonna go home," Liam muttered, his school bag already draped over his shoulder, halfway out the door.

"Liam wait!" He could hear his best friend's voice in the distance but paid no attention to it as he exited Mason's residence and made his way back to his own...

• • •

Upon entering his house, Liam dumped his bag by the front door and attempted to make a beeline for the staircase. However he was interrupted by his mother's usual queries,
"Liam? Is that you?"

"Yeh, mom," Liam slowly felt aggravation seep through him.
"How was Mason's?"
"Fine," he mumbled, rolling his eyes at the pointlessness of the conversation.
"I thought you'd be back later. Did something happen, sweetheart?"
"No mom, it's fine... really," what is this, 21 questions?
"Alright, Liam."

Finally free, Liam enclosed himself in the safety of his room, closing his eyes momentarily to grasp his situation.
What the hell is wrong with you, Liam?
He clenched his fists, his heart palpitating rapidly. With every rise and fall of his chest, his anger built.

Low growls emerged from his mouth while his claws formed, piercing through his skin. Blood now streamed down from his hands. It wasn't even presumably close to that supernatural time of the month yet Liam still had trouble controlling his anger. Somehow he was the only one incapable of keeping himself together; it etched at his brain and before he knew it, his knuckle made contact with his wall, creating a noticeable indentation.

"Shit..." all thoughts about anger left almost instantly as regret began to eat away at Liam's insides. His parents couldn't know about this, about him, he'd already bothered them enough. At that moment, Liam desperately wished he'd spilled his guts to Mason. Anything but to have been lonely at this particular moment would've been desirable.

Before he could pick up his phone to call for help, a text message appeared on his screen. All colour drained from his face immediately,

Scott McCall
We've got trouble.

• • •

[finished | 14-11-17]
[published | - ]

Sorry that opening chapter was so unexciting absjakakkaks I got carried away with like exploring Liam's character. I promise some actual thiam soon and more action whoop.

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