o2 | and I told you to be patient

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[ and now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was I? 'Cause now I'm breaking at the bridges and at the end of all your lines... ]

• • •

What kind of trouble?

Scott McCall
The supernatural kind.  There's a new pack in town and they've made it clear they're not keen on us guys.

How come? What happened?

Scott McCall
They apparently paid a visit to Deaton. He told me they raided his supplies most likely in the hopes of finding the nine herbs. He said they know about us and our capabilities, also that they threatened to attack us if we ever posed a threat to them.


Scott McCall


Scott McCall
I know what you're thinking. Don't get involved, I'm bringing Lydia and Malia with me back to Beacon Hills tomorrow to investigate. In the meantime, stay out of trouble.

Okay, fine. See you tomorrow then.

See you, Liam.
[read 17:38]

Liam sighed. They couldn't possibly think they could randomly appear in his town, threaten him and his friends and expect them to sit back and be okay with it. Did they know who the McCall pack were? Were they unaware of their consistent triumphs regarding the supernatural? Liam was determined to stand his ground like he'd always done. If he was going to be angry, he may as well put it to good use...

• • •

Autumn leaves crunched under Liam's feet as he manoeuvred through the familiar forest, each upcoming winding path seeming identical to the previous. The bounds of the tree-filled maze seemed endless. Surely the new pack would've situated their hideout in the forest - it's a cliche.

On the verge of giving up, Liam picked up a scent. It was alike that of distress or pain. He remembered Scott mentioning the pack supposedly searching for the nine herbs and assumed optimistically that this person in distress may be responsible for the search.

Without thinking, Liam followed the scent. What he'd do when he found the source was yet to be determined. At the moment his sole focus was to find it. When the scent became heavily concentrated, so strong it was almost unbearable, Liam was sure he'd succeeded. Until, he felt something latch onto his feet and swing him upside down in one swift movement.

"Damn it!" The realisation dawned that he'd been caught in a trap. A million possibilities flooded through his brain at that moment. It could be the new pack. I could die here... Oh God! If Scott finds out he'd murder me himself if I'm not already amputated limb from limb. How could I be so careless and irresponsible.

Liam had felt this burden to take care of the entirety of Beacon Hills during Scott's absence. He'd basically been appointed the new alpha of the town yet he was failing most his classes, began to lose his lacrosse-playing skills and recently became distant with his friends because of his undeniable lack of enthusiasm with day- to- day activities.

Some alpha he was. More of an alflop.

Now he'd be a disappointment for failing to carry out a simple task he never should've gone through with in the first place. What a mess. Footsteps echoed and became more noticeable as they neared a nervous Liam. A figure appeared, tall and intimidating, accompanied by two men who stood protectively adjacent to her.

Liam could only gather that she had long cascading chestnut hair since his view was limited. She smirked almost mockingly at Liam,
"Well what have we here, gentlemen?" She spoke while crouching down to come face to face with Liam.
"Somebody who'd could easily rip your head off if they're not freed immediately," Liam hissed.

"Now, now," she chuckled, callously, "I think you're forgetting who holds the power in this situation". To emphasise her point, she flicked the string holding up Liam and raised an eyebrow all too knowingly.

"What do you want from me?" Liam huffed, his jaw clenched with immense hatred for this woman. Who the hell does she think she is?

She circled around Liam, pondering for a moment, "Now why would a young boy be out in the woods this late? You obviously can't be out for a run; your clothes are anything but appropriate for sport..." she tilted her head, her eyes examining Liam, which soon widened with comprehension, "No, no... you've come from Scott McCall. The angry beta, they call you."

Liam tried ,but failed, to conceal the apprehension on his face. He'd just put himself and the pack in even more danger. Something about the situation brought deja vu. A new pack, being called the "angry beta". His head was spinning with all this newfound information, or maybe it was the blood rushing to his head...

"If you must know, I only ask one thing of you," she breathed onto Liam's face. Her face inched closer to his as she announced her demand,
"How do I become as powerful as Scott McCall?"

• • •

[ finished | 15-11-17]
[published | 11-12-17]

I really need to stop faffing around and bring in Theo, y'all are probably bored out of your minds already. He'll be here soon I promise 😂.

Also, Jesus Christ I'm so inactive, sorry guys idek why I didn't publish this part (and the next) when I'd already written it a month ago.

Darkest hour | THIAM AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang