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The first five months of 2018 went by really fast.

Avery moved in into my apartment, although some of her stuff are still in the space she shared with Rose.

We settled into a comfortable routine, enjoying having each other in our lives, full time.

We've grown closer over these five months. I can't stop falling in love with her every day. She's all that I ever wanted, even if I had no idea what I actually wanted, and needed.

I cannot imagine a future without her by my side and I know she feels the same way, not only because she tells me so every once in a while, but because I see it and feel it in every word she says and everything she does.

During this time, I've grown closer to her friends as much as she did to mine. She also mended her relationship with Sophia and I ended up making an effort to be near her without putting a serious and threatening face. Truth is, I don't feel threatened by her and I don't feel the need to threaten her either. We're not best friends, but we're tolerating each other and moving towards a possible friendship. After all, she's my girlfriend's childhood best friend.

Avery's family slowly became my family and although she only contacts mine over Skype, she's also part of it. They've been making plans for our trip to Italy in the beginning of June.

Yes, we already have a date for those tickets. We still don't know where we'll be in the far future but, surprisingly, the most likely option it's not Florence or New Hampshire.

A couple weeks ago, I found a great job offer in Toronto, Canada. After discussing the possibility with Avery, I decided to apply for it. I've already done some interviews and now, I'm waiting for a call from them.

Since we discussed this job opportunity, Avery has also been looking at jobs in the same area. She saw one in an Arts School, but they told her that in order to teach there she needs to take a Master of Teaching. She can do that in the Toronto University, which would be great for both of us, but she's still deciding if that's what she wants.

I've seen her teaching her little sister and I also saw her taking a leadership and teaching position in her final year project so, I know she will make a great teacher if she wants to.

The only thing that's keeping her from deciding in favor of that career is photography. She loves photography more than teaching, more than any other career.

As for my thesis... I finished it, submitted it, and presented it. I couldn't be happier. The praise I got from my colleagues and teachers/supervisor was and indicator that all the effort I put into it was worth it, including some sleepless nights and even some stupid fights with Avery because I was extremely stressed out and ended up taking it out on her.

Sarah and Richard also succeeded and we obviously celebrated this milestone the best way we know how: a Friday night at Fitzold with lots of dancing, dumb conversations, and obviously, drinking, followed by a pit stop at the diner for some fast food.

Now that my academic years are finally over and I'm ready for the next step, I'm happy that I find myself in such a good place in life.

I have excelled in my academic endeavors; I'm in the middle of a recruitment process for an amazing job that not only is what I see myself doing for the next years, but it also pays really well; I have a home in two different countries and loving families and friends ready to welcome me at any moment; and I have an incredible girlfriend that is always by my side being supportive and caring.

All that's left to do, is deciding where to go next.

-"Emma, stop walking around the room. You're stressing me out." Avery says, laying on the couch.

-"Oh, you're stressing out? I'm the one waiting for their call. They said they would give me an answer till 17h30, and it's already 17h33!" I wave my arms around as I speak.

-"Yes, Emma, I'm also stressed out. It's an important moment for the both of us." She throws a pillow at me. "Come here."

-"I don't want to sit down."

-"Come. Here." She repeats, more seriously.



-"Fine." I groan as I walk to the couch.

As soon as my butt is about to touch the couch, my phone rings.

-"Is it her?" Avery asks and I nod.

-"Hello?" I answer the phone while I resume my walking around the living room. "I'm good, thank you. And you? Great. Give me the news, please, I've been patiently waiting for them."

-"Yeah, right! Patiently..." I hear Avery whispering, but I ignore her.

-"Of course I do. That is fantastic Mrs. Carlson. I'm looking forward for that email. Okay. We'll talk soon. Thank you! Bye..." I end the call and throw my phone to the couch. I start jumping and squealing.

-"Congrats, babe!" Avery joins me in my happy dance/jumps. "We're going to Toronto?"

-"If you still want to..." I bite my lower lip.

-"Hmm...can I think about it?" She pulls me by the waist.

-"Of course, but you only have one second." I wrap my arms around her neck.

-"Yes. Absolutely yes!" She kisses me and I kiss her back.

-"We're going to Toronto!" We both squeal. "But first, we're going to Italy."

-"Yes, we are! Your mother has been sending me some nice location to visit and take photos."

-"Really? I'm not aware of that private conversation you two are having." I narrow my eyes in suspicion.

-"That's why it's private. I would have one with your nona too, but I'm still not fluent in Italian."

-"You could speak through emojis or memes. She likes them." We both laugh.

-"That's actually a great idea."

-"I'm gonna call them and tell them the news."

-"I'll call my mom too. Or do you want to tell her together?"

-"You can do it now and we'll talk about it during dinner tonight." I kiss her once again.

-"Emma?" She calls me as I'm walking towards the room to pick up my laptop.

-"Yes?" I turn to face her and see the biggest smile.

-"I love you and I'm so, so happy for this 'new life' that we're about to begin."

-"I love you too, Ave." I run towards her, jumping. "So, so much."

We start kissing.

-"Can you call your parents in a couple minutes?" Avery whispers in my ear and bites my earlobe.

-"How can I say no to that...?"


That day, and hour later, I called my parents and they were extremely happy about the news, although it meant that I would not stay in Italy for more than a month.

They have prepared themselves for it, though. They knew it was a possibility.

Avery's parents were also happy about us and our decision to live in Toronto. Again, being apart is never the best scenario but they know how happy we are together and since Avery decided to take that master and start volunteering at the art school as the Photography teacher assistant, things were looking really good for the both of us.

Before diving into this new life, we'll be going to Italy and spend a month there. I'll introduce Avery to everyone I know and I'll show her the most beautiful places.

When we get back to the USA, in July, we'll start preparing everything to move to Toronto so we're ready to do so once we find a place to live.

On the 1st of August, I'll start working and in September, Avery will start her master while helping out the Photography Teacher at the Arts School.

After that...who knows?


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