Damned Dreams

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"Don't speak."

He tells me as I look up from my mirror, seeing not a soul in the room within its reflection. Turning, I see the silhouette of a man with marble skin and Ravens hair. He's tall, disarming, and quite beautiful. Even the tears in his eyes shine like diamonds with years of pain stretched across his features.

"You look to deep. The surface is all you need." He says, tilting his head at me as his hand reaches out, grabbing my chin. His touch sends a chill down my spine as I wish to speak, ask him his name. Ask him why he cries? Why does he feel the urge to frighten me? But I can't, my lips are sealed and I'm lost in his eyes as they seem to see the very Depths of my soul.

"Stop it." He says. I open my mouth to respond when his fingers press against my lips making them burn with an unfamiliar desire.

And then, he tilts my head over and I feel my heart jump in my chest with sudden fear. I ache to cry out but cannot until I feel his teeth puncture the skin of my neck, the warm liquid pouring from my neck into his mouth, over my chest and shoulder.

My cries drown out everything, my hands try to press him away but he's like stone, unloveable.


Suddenly light pours into the room and my mother is staring down at me with widened eyes. I blink, my breathing feeling uncontrollable as I place a hand over my heart.

"Libra, did you dream of that man again?" My mother asks, placing the back of her hand against my forehead. I look around my room, visibly I could tell I was safe. Mentally, I wasn't too sure.

"It was weird." I admit, shaking my head. "He seems so lost before he...turns dark." I say, never having explained to my mother what I'd seen. Surely if waking up with night terrors weren't enough, telling her I dream of a man with impossible strength ripping my neck open was border line insanity.

Mother sits at my bedside, letting out a breath. "Your grandmother asked us to come visit today. She's getting older and wants to make us dinner before she can no longer make dinner." Mother says with a roll of her eyes. "Don't tell her about these night terrors though. Your grandmothers imagination is exceeding as her memory is receding." Mother tells me with a soft smile.

I couldn't help the small laugh as I sat myself up straight. "Don't worry mother, I know the rules." I say as I look over at the time. It's almost noon.

"Good, now get dressed. We need to pick up your prescription so you don't have any panic attacks at grandmas." She says, patting my hand as she stood up from my bedside. "Be quick about it now, Libra." She says then walks out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I take a deep breath, then rip the blankets from my body as I get up and dress for another long, confusing day.


"Libra! You look beautiful! So grown!" My grandmother said as she embraces me at her doorstep.

"It's good to see you too, grandma Mary!" I exclaim as I hug her back. My grandmother has been a bit loopy since she was around my age, or what I've heard from my grandfather. He died awhile back ago. But they told me my grandmother had a bad habit of seeing things that weren't there, as she got older the worse it got, the more nonsense she would speak. The undead and creatures who spilled blood. It made me wonder if we were both insane, or...something more?

"Well come in, dinners almost ready." She says, inviting us in. I walk in with my mother close behind. The walls are decorated with my grandmothers painting. But one in particular caught my eyes. A dark haired man dressed in a long cloak. His eyes staring straight at me it seemed.

I walked closer to it, maybe s couple steps but I couldn't tell. It was him, the man who terrorists my dreams. Yet, makes me feel a longing I've never had before. His face looked hard and cold, but his eyes said so much more. The man of mystery, of pain and loss, and of longing.

"You know that man?" I hear my grandmothers voice protrude from my thoughts as I turn to look at her. My mother sighs.

"Mom, how could she? The man you painted came straight out of your head." My mother stated and looked at her with sympathy. As if sorry for her insanity.

"It was just a lovely painting, grandma." I lie, but something in how she looked at me seemed like she doubted my truthfulness and was slightly disappointed. I bow my head, unable to look her in the eyes. It was like she knew a thousand things I could never understand.

And still, it's almost like I can feel his touch on my skin. I look at my hand, and I see him. He's holding my hand and looking at me. And while my mother is in deep conversation about who knows what with my grandmother, I'm staring into the eyes of someone who can't be here.

"Your not real." I hiss, and suddenly my grandmother stopped mid sentence and turned to me.

"Dear, are you alright?" She asks, looking at me with more than just worry, but a stone cold fright. When I look back towards that man, he was already gone.

"Sorry, where's the bathroom?" I ask, quickly coming up with something.

"Down the hall, your first left." She tells me and I quickly disappear down the corridor into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I walk to the bathroom sink, leaning over it as I regain my self control.

That's when I notice something. I look deeper in the mirror and behind me I see a slightly peeled over edge of the wallpaper. Curious, I turn around and walk over to it. Bringing my hand up, I gently peel the paper back. It looks hard and brass beneath, so without thinking I began shredding the wallpaper.

I don't know what took control of me, but suddenly a brass door was in front of me. Locked by an upside down silver cross. I wrap my hands around it, and tank it up and the door falls aside making me jump.

"What in the hell..?" I wonder aloud as I look down. It was completely dark. Taking my phone from my back pocket, I shine my flashlight off it down inside. A staircase lead down deep under my grandmothers house. "What the hell is she hiding down here?" I ask myself as curiosity takes over me and I follow my feet down into the dark, the only illumination coming from the light on my phone.

I continue down until I find a flat surface, looking around I see the room is made of silver down here. I can hear the echo of my footsteps all around me. And then, dead center of the room catches my eye. There's a silver casket, around it engraved with crosses. I go forward, looking over it and an odd chill ran they my body as I placed a hand against it.

"Who keeps a casket in a hidden basement?" I ask no one in particular as I circle it, my hand still against it when I accidentally cut my palm on the edge of a cross. I gasp and bring my hand up, blood pouring across my wound and dripping down onto the silver casket. I close my hand tight, but when I look back down at the casket, I see the blood is gone.

I squint my eyes, using my phone to look around the casket when I heard footsteps above. I almost fall over in fear of being caught down here. I shut if my phone and ran back upstairs, forgetting about the wall paint as I closed the brass door behind me and quickly made my way into the kitchen.

My mother looks up and smiles, "about time libra, what-" she stops when she sees my bloodied hand causing my grandmother to look up as well. "What on earth happened to your hand?" She asks, and I look at them. Honestly I don't know what to say. My grandmother is going mad and has a casket in her hidden, made out of silver basement. I don't know how to answer but I had to think of something quick.

"I fell and cut my hand on a razor. Thought I saw a mouse." I lie, shrugging my shoulders. My mom raises a brow but drops it. "Clean your hand up then sit down for dinner. Your grandmother worked very hard on it." She says, turning from me as she sat plates down on the table. However, my grandmother was looking at me like she saw the devil literally leave my body. It made me wonder if she knew.

This will be a long night.

Draculas Return (Dracula 2000) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang