Death and Destiny

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      The night was long, every inch of the silence in my head felt like a dreadful storm consuming my soul. I squeeze my eyes shut, I want to see him. So bad. I don't know why but it's the secret space in my mind that craves his touch, his voice,

....even his pain.

     "Libra, wake up!" I hear my mother's voice against my strangled thoughts jolting my eyes open. She's holding her phone next to her ear with a serious expression on her face. "Did you steal som
ething from your grandmother last night?"  She asks, hissing at me. I blink confused,  still shaking my sleep off as I tried to process what she just asked me.

     "No." I say, shaking my head. I sit up as she gives me her questioning look, before rolling her eyes at my grandma's shreaking voice on the other line. I flinch a bit, her voice is filled with terror. I've never heard her so...scared. I mean, my grandmother's always held that look in her eyes, that one with mystery and pain and a fear that seemed to entwine deep in her soul. But never has her voice matched the terror in her eyes.

     "Mom, calm down, what are you talking about?" My mother asks, clutching her phone close to her ear and all I could hear on the other line was my grandmother's voice.

"He's gone, Libra fed him and that's all it-" The phone went dead, and there was some sort of clatter.

"Mom!" My mother called out. "Mom, what happened? Are you okay?" She called out and all I could do was stare in terror as my mom's eyes widened and she shut off her phone. "Libra, call 911 while I start the car. We're going to your grandma's." She demands. I watch her walk out of my room fast and all I could do was stare after her u too reality kicked me back out of my conscious. I called 911.

And that was just the start of a terrible day.


      I'm sitting in a drowned out hall on the hospital floor. Filled with the echoes of the feet of the nurses passing by hurriedly from patient to patient, a wail here and there. My visions blurred and the world seemed to spin. My face wet.

      Mary, my grandmother,passed away an hour ago from heart failure. And I can't help feeling as if it's my fault. Now we will never know what she was so afraid of. Was it whatever she had in that casket down in her oddly guarded cross bearing door. It was a silly yet enchanting thing, had to be antique. But I didn't take anything. I was in too much of a hurry. I hadn't even thought of taking anything, so what was the missing artifact that had my grandmother to a panicked heart attack?

     Suddenly the room broke apart and I swear I was looking into what looked like a pub. A horrible band played in the background, there was talking and laughing, yet as I stared into it I realised i was still outside of, still on the hospital floor. And thru my blurred vision, I made out the figure of a man dressed in black. His dark eyes found mine and we both just stood there, staring at each other as if in a trance. Before he started walking towards me making me act on instinct, backing myself against the wall. And he stood above me now.

"Mary..?" He asks, as if he were almost confused. My grandmother's name left his lips as if he spoke of someone so very dear to him.

"No. She was my grandmother. She's dead." I spat at him, tears streaming from my face, warm against the cool sticky touch of my cheeks. His face stayed still for a good ten seconds as he contemplated my words, before comforting into one of discomfort and disbelief.

"You lie." He says, staring at me as he got down on his knees, putting on arm on each side of my head setting his pal s on the wall behind me. "Say your lying." He almost pleads, and looking in his eyes, it is all.i can do to slowly shake my head, and look up at the window above me into the room my grandmother died in. He sees the truth himself, standing up as his eyes gazed over my mother crying over her body with a tremble.

"I do not lie." I say, looking away from the man I dream of. And now visits in my visions like a nightmare taking human form. Or maybe an angel of my dreams walking amongst me on this earth. But even though he looked like an angel, the dark aura around him said something entirely different.

"Who are you?" He asks, or more like demands as he looks down at me. His hands balled in fists as he relowered himself so we were eye to eye. When I fail to respond, he asks me again. "Who are you, kin of mary?"

"Libra." I say, and before I can blink he had disappeared.

"Libra?" My mother stands above me, looking at me like she had just watched me grow two heads. I look up at her, whipping my eyes with my sleeve to be sure she was real. Was all that just a hallucination? It couldn't be. He was do real, he was right in front of me! "Libra, who were you talking too?" She asks me seriously, and I could tell from the red color around her eyes she was a long way from being do e grieving. I shake my head.

"No one. I was just remembering aloud I guess." I lie, making my mother push her her brows at me as she looked at me. But I could t focus on her. The man, he knew my grandma. In fact, he seemed distraught with the news of her passing so they had to of been close. What was she hiding from me? The painting. The odds room, all leading to some truth that my mind couldn't wrap itself around. The fear of whatever lays hidden in my grandmother's past haunts my soul. And all i can picture was the way his eyes darkened to a strange color as emotion clouded the stranger of my dreams face.

     "Well get up, your scaring the nurses." My mother says, biting her lip. And I knew she had to be thinking it. What had my grandmother scared so bad? And whatever it was that scared her, should we be worried? I stand up slowly to my feet and swallow the anxiety, and the pain, and walk beside my mother down the hall.

His voice sounded so clear, he was so close I had felt the warmth of his breath on my face. It was real, yet it hadn't been? Was I going mad? Has my grandmother's death pushed me over the edge of a cliff I had no idea I was standing beside? All I know was I didn't feel scared.

In fact, In a deadly way, seeing him felt like it was my destiny. It was my destiny be be my grandmother's granddaughter, my destiny to sneak into her cross bearing basement. My destiny to find the man that had to of haunted not only mine, but my grandmother's mind as well. And I wont give this up, I will figure out all the secrets my grandmother burried away from us. I have too.

And...i can't fight the urge to see him again. But really see him. Not in a dream, not in a vision, but to find him out there somewhere. Learn his name, his story, and maybe the secrets that pull me to find answers too.

Then again, maybe I'm just going Insane. Hey again, I don't really care.

My grandma died for it, I'm going to find out why.

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